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Is there any relation of enlarged clit and female muscle?
  • Vote Up0Vote Down himuhimu
    277.14 Karma Points [?]Message himuPosts: 1,727Senior Member
    I wonder if there is any relation with enlarged clit ... just look at the attached images...
    I have read that side-effects of steroids almost always results in enlargement of the clitoris, which is irreversible ....
    I wouldn't complain about such side-effects.... ;)
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    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2012-03-16 00:11:03
    Long Labia Lover -> Checkout some of my Threads below:
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  • 17 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor Accepted Answer
    You are correct @himu women body builders and women using steroids not only are left with a very large clitorious but their voices get deeper, the start to grow facial hair, and their breast become pecs which is why many of them get breast implants, and male facial characteristics start to appear.
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
    Thanked by 1himu
  • Vote Up0Vote Down wolf777wolf777
    10.86 Karma Points [?]Message wolf777Posts: 33Member
    Oh WOW.

    My bucket list just got longer.

    11.)  Get to know a female body builder better...
    12.)  Get to know a female body builder better...
    13.)  Get to know a female body builder better...


    Thanx for sharing and Eva thank you for the answer,  I'll search for a lady without the "in your face"
    male characteristics...

  • Vote Up0Vote Down himuhimu
    277.14 Karma Points [?]Message himuPosts: 1,727Senior Member
    Thanks for confirming that Eva... however these women are not bodybuilders but i guess they are naturally blessed... :)
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    Long Labia Lover -> Checkout some of my Threads below:
    Artistic & Erotic | Dominika | Andie | Carmen | Sofi A | Faye | Voluptuous Ladies | Slim & Sexy Ladies
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member Accepted Answer
    I think that steroid use is mostly a thing of the past, it does definitely still happen, but as female body building trends away from the grotesque hugely muscled women and more towards healthy toned women steroid use will fall further. I actually believe that these womens' labia and clits are larger for much the same reason that labia size suddenly became an issue when shaving became fashionable. They didn't suddenly become larger, they just became more visible.

    These women have very low body fat, and it only stands to reason that if they've worked all the fat off of their belly's, thighs, and asses that they'd also lose fat from places we like it to be ie. boobs and outer labia. And as the labia majora shrink, the labia minora and clit become more prominent.

    But that's just my opinion, what do you think.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down [Deleted User][Deleted User]
    0.01 Karma Points [?]Message [Deleted User]Posts: 0 Accepted Answer
    Makes a lot of sense to me, @tempest_driver.
    These photos raise other questions for me. Are some people who are identified either by self or the medical community as hermaphrodites really just females with a larger clitoris? Also, there is so much in the news about gender identity disorders - I wonder if parents/doctors' "concerns" (I.e. judgement)about female genital diversity doesn't cause some if this confusion for young women. I personally think that our culture would benefit if we thought about gender identity as more than just penis or vagina. Have you read "My Princess Boy?
  • Vote Up0Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor
    @Kitty77 You mention a good point. I assume that any parent who isn't familiar with the reproductive system would think think that a large clit would defy their child as a hermaphrodite. The clit may look similar to the head of a penis, but really it's the cervix which is to a man's penis just as our ovaries are their sac simply inside and no dangling. Yes, I watched a small clip on Princess Boy and it brings up the word "transgender"in my mind. Usually children who will become transgender in their adulthood fee a strong pull to their opposite gender. But in order to test my theory we'll have to observe his behavior through out puberty and so on. Once the hormones and sexual impulses arrive is when you truly know a person intentions and preferences. I'm just happy that his parents are embracing his ways instead of shunning them.
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
  • Isn't the parallel of female parts to male parts just amazing?! Other interesting info I learned as I prepared for life with a newborn- because of the hormonal changes occurring in a mother, a female baby may have a little bleeding in her first days, and a little lactation from female and male babies is also possible!! No wonder I am so obsessed with my lovely bits - the reproductive system is just fascinating!
    I am also thrilled for this boy to be so unconditionally loved and supported, I hope he continues to get what he needs to be his true self... I admire his parents very much!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    It is fascinating how all the parts that can be found on one gender can be found on the other, only repurposed. Although I do in fact believe that the clitoris is a direct homolog to the male glans. Whereas the cervix would actually be more homologous to the sphincter muscle that attempts to, and eventually fails to hold back the cum during sex.

    I think that it is a tragic level of ignorance that has so many with gender identity issues lately. In the past the average person knew very little about sex out of 100 men, only 10 may have seen more than 1 pussy ever. Of the rest, many never even saw that many. My mom's last boyfriend was an 85 year old widower who never once saw his wife naked in 50 years of marriage. Now we're more permissive. But just barely. Many parents and most adolescents never see nudity in the media that doesn't pass censorship scrutiny. And that leaves us with an entire community of people who, for the most part, know just enough about the human body to really fuck up some developing minds.

    Are larger clits unusual? Not really, although you won't find many on the newsstands. Are the ones that @himu posted unusual? Yeah, they're pretty unique, but they're still clits. Although I've never experienced one, and I have to admit that it took some work to get over my upbringing (environmental, not family) enough that I could admit that they're sexy.

    And no, it doesn't make them hermaphrodites. That would require 2 functional sets of genitals. Meaning, a dick that can fuck, and a pussy that can be fucked. Capability to cum or get pregnant is not important.

    Sorry for the ramblings, I get carried away sometimes.
    Thanked by 1himu
  • I am loving this discussion, it is fascinating. Just to clarify, I wasn't saying that I think they were hermaphrodites, but rather those with a black and white view of genitalia might jump to that conclusion, and take irreparable action on it.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    I knew that wasn't your intention @kitty77, but I also remember vividly a friend very publicity dumping a girl I would have given my left nut to be with because,"She has a dick!" Of course I knew better, but the damage was done. We were friends before(fucking friend zone!) but she wouldn't even look at me after that. guilt by association.

    Even though I seriously doubt anyone here would do that, but it was mentioned. And if we allowed ourselves as a society to be a little less uptight, a little more open minded, a little less politically correct about every fucking thing. Maybe my ex friend would have been a little bit less of a douchetard. And although I probably would'nt have gotten the girl (fucking friend zone!) Maybe it would'nt have ruined her life.
  • Oh, fucking irony, have I unwittingly put a terrible, negative thought in people's minds about how they may be perceived?!?! Mea culpa!!! I am so sorry :(
    As always, t_d, thank you for your perspective. How do raise our kids to be what we wish we could be, in terms of open-mindedness, lack of shame? Ugh!!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    I have 2 teenage kids. And we've never told them anything was wrong with them, never forced them to clean their plates,(creats a habit that causes compulsive overeating) we always try to answer their questions as completely and as honestly as possible, and have never made nudity an issue or attempted to hide our bodies. The result, two proud, fit, healthy teenagers who are scary smart and have no body issues. And one or more of us is usually wandering around the house in some state of undress at some point during most evenings.

    The biggest hassle here is having to remind my son to put on pants when we have company.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down lovelyjlovelyj
    11.62 Karma Points [?]Message lovelyjPosts: 44Member

    Guys would think jus bc a girl has a big clit or whatever
    Is taking steroids or is like a muscley type of chick.

    Why do women have to do this to themselves I don't find it to be hot.

    :3 Starting fresh
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    Everyone has preferences. I think it's sexy as hell.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator
    Personally, while I'm not driven into the arms of a woman who can bench-press me, I do find some women who are "muscular" to be sexy.

    I guess it depends on how muscular they are honestly. . .

    I think the blond, and the woman in the last pic (3rd row) are attractive.

    The others seem to be a bit overdone to me. :-??
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2012-03-27 09:24:33
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
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