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  • 48 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up1Vote Down lipslips
    46.61 Karma Points [?]Message lipsPosts: 195Contributor
    Thank you, @mrmarquis! I like this group, you guys have a good vibe.

    @tempest_driver today is another day! So here's my story...

    So, after I figured out that I had, in fact, squirted I looked for more information online.  I bought a good book about it (more instructional, not porn), and set about trying to make it happen again.  No dice.  As I mentioned before, I was unhappily married and over the course of the next year our marriage completely fell apart.  We had sex maybe 3 times that whole year and my sexual self-confidence was at an all-time low.  I certainly wasn’t going to share my newfound pleasure with my husband when he could barely muster any interest in me, but I couldn’t even do it when I was by myself.

    Maybe a year and a half later, after the hubby moved out, I wanted to get my groove back, so I looked at my book again and went to work.  Once I figured out how to rub just the right spot on the upper wall of my pussy and to stop worrying that I was peeing, I started squirting like crazy!  Of course I had to practice, extensively.  I became a dildo connoisseur, looking for just the right one to get me off.   I was like a teenage boy, I couldn’t keep my hands out of my pants, lol.  But then I wanted to get it on with someone else I went out looking for a new partner for the first time in almost 15 years.  I joined an adult meet-up site and found someone I hit it off with (I’ll call him D).  After a month of fucking like crazy (OMG, he had the thickest dick I had ever seen), I told him I wanted to see if I could squirt with him.  He was more than happy to oblige.  It took a couple weeks of trying for me to relax enough to let go.  I finally understood what “blue balls” must feel like for guys, I had all of this fluid building up from the awesome g-spot massages, but I couldn’t let go of it until I was back home, alone. 

    Finally, one night we were going at it again and D, bless his heart, just wouldn’t give up.  He had two fingers in my pussy and was putting firm pressure on my swollen g-spot, not rubbing it too fast, just letting my orgasm build slowly.  He was licking my clit and sucking on my lips and BAM!  No sooner did I say “Oh my god, yes” when I came and squirted so hard into his open mouth.  It actually sounded forceful, like the water from the kitchen sprayer.  When I stopped shuddering, I looked down and saw D laughing with my juice running down his chin.  It was awesome.

    After that, it was like we had a new toy to play with.  I could squirt in any position, from fucking, oral, or just fingering.  Once I even squirted all over his leg when I was giving him head and rubbing my pussy on his shin.  He loved it when I straddled him and rubbed my slippery labia on his shaft.  He was pretty thick, so I couldn’t wrap my labia completely around him, but we both had some good orgasms that way.  I had never been so orgasmic in my life, but now I could easily come four, five times a session.

    It didn’t work out with D long term, but our time together gave me mojo I never knew I had.  I saw his profile on that adult site after we split and he had rewritten it to emphasize his g-spot expertise.  I had to smile, glad to know that he was as hooked on squirting as I was!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    Thank you for sharing your story whith us @lips, it was very sexy. Some of what you wrote sounds a lot like my wife's experience. It was amazing how squirting seemed to flip a switch in her that transformed her from very orgasmic, to constantly wet and just looking for an excuse, any excuse, to cum.

    Once she even came, although she didn't squirt this time, but still, she came just from watching me masturbate, and nothing else.

    And it's no surprise D was hooked on squirting too. After what you described, what man wouldn't be.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down sgtbertsgtbert
    270.16 Karma Points [?]Message sgtbertPosts: 1,057Senior Member

    Wow , Thank You Lips for Sharing !!!

    I really love this place , I know I have said things here that I never would have said .

    I always feel better after talking about things Thank You Lips for Sharing !!!

    Bert :-}

  • Vote Up0Vote Down himuhimu
    277.14 Karma Points [?]Message himuPosts: 1,727Senior Member
    oh dear Lips... what a story... I could just visualize... got me all worked up... gotta take a cold shower
    Long Labia Lover -> Checkout some of my Threads below:
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  • Vote Up1Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member
    Lips, Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with squirting.  I trust you are still making good use of the talent, even though "D" is apparently long gone.  It is so important for women to share these things among themselves, to learn that they, too, can squirt hard, and how orgasmic that experience is.  So many have no idea that it even exists, much less that they can really do it themselves.  Brava to you lips.  I hope lots of women read of your experience, and I hope that other women here will share their own experiences in squirting as well as other areas of sexual expertise.  I also hope that more of our female members will find the courage to photograph themselves for us, as you have done.  The more women overcome their inhibitions, the better their sex lives will become.
    Thanked by 1himu
  • Vote Up1Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator Accepted Answer

    Sounds like Stella got her groove back to me!! LOL! :D

    You are very sexy, and it's good to hear you're a squirter.

    I've personally been with many women in my life who weren't squirters until they met me.

    I don't say this to brag or boast, it has just been my experience that I have the unique ability to allow women to relax enough to the point that when they are involved with me sexually, they feel that they can "let go" and not have any concerns about doing something that would "turn me off" per se.

    @ann squirted with me, when we first were involved, but I think she was a squirter before me, as I don't remember what she told me for sure.

    My girlfriend wasn't a squirter until she met me -- our first night together she squirted all over my hand.

    I personally enjoy licking a woman's pussy until she can take no more, and using my fingers and cock in all the right ways to enhance her experience -- with me it is definitely all about the woman that's in front of me and her pleasure.

    Of course, it's very satisfying to be pleased by her as well, and plunging my cock into her waiting her pussy, but nothing, and I do mean *nothing*, is more satisfying to me than watching a woman orgasm -- even better if I'm the cause of said orgasm.

    My girlfriend is one of the first women I've been with in a very long time who can orgasm by the penetration of my cock alone. . .and that makes things fantastic when we have little quickies from time to time, but most of the time, I give her (and myself) the pleasure of spending lots of time licking her pussy.

    Enjoying the way she moves, how her hips arch towards my waiting mouth and tongue, and above all, how her legs twitch when I flick my tongue across her clit until she has to push my head away, at which point I know it's time to slow down, and go for long sweeping lick with my entire tongue along her entry, all the way up to her clit.

    When she starts to shake, and grab the bedsheets in her clenched fists, that's usually when I know she's close, and at that point, I will sometimes slow down so that I don't send her over the edge, or I'll stop completely, and stick my cock inside her for awhile, and go long and deep until I can feel her cervix on the head of my cock -- I love to watch my cock slide in and out of her small, but super-wet pussy, then I stop again when I think she's enjoying, and then I go down to lick her again, and that usually sends her over the edge -- it doesn't always go in the exact order. . .sometimes we start with the sex, and then I lick her pussy, or I'll turn her around, and lick her pussy from behind with her ass in my face, but when I use my fingers in her pussy, she almost always gets quiet, and then the squirt comes in rapid succession in series of stop and start short squirts (if I'm fingering her hard and fast), or as a long, hard, squirt which lasts for about 2-3 seconds, and dissipates, at which point, she's usually got my cock in her hand, and is grabbing my ass to pull me close so my cock can go as far inside her as possible.

    I love women.  Love, love, love women.  All shapes and sizes.  But more importantly, I love watching or making women orgasm.

    My girlfriend and I have had a few sexual partners together, and it's always been incredible (especially when I watch her with another woman before joining in). . .

    She tells me I'm the best lover she's ever had. . .but I think what she really means is that she's done things and experienced things with me she hasn't experienced with another man, so maybe that's why she thinks I'm the best.

    I do have a lot of experience, but honestly, I think what makes me different, is unlike most men (present company excluded, since I think some of the men who are members here are much like me in this regard), I actually have a desire, and *NEED* to see the woman I am enjoying a sexual experience with have an orgasm (many if I can help it).

    It literally turns me on, and makes me crazy in and of itself.

    I want to understand what she is feeling or experiencing in that very moment, and how it affects her perception of me as the person causing it. . .too much to explain, but deep enough for you to get the picture.

    So squirting is an obsession of mine in a way. . .but just the female orgasm in and of itself is amazing.

    Diddler_Darlington who I've dedicated a thread to has some of the most amazing orgasms I've seen.

    That and the one with Dominika. . .I would literally give away a pinkie if I could spend 24 hours (a single night wouldn't be enough for me) with Dominika and bring her to more orgasms than either her or I care to count.

    I would literally lick her pussy until she had no more liquid left to squirt out, or until my tongue was raw, whichever came first (no pun intended).

    Thanks for sharing your story. . .I absolutely love when a woman discovers who true capability sexually. :X
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
    Thanked by 1Montana
  • Vote Up1Vote Down lipslips
    46.61 Karma Points [?]Message lipsPosts: 195Contributor
    @LabiaLover, great to hear from you again! 

    @mrmarquis, yes D is long gone, but I bumped into him and his new gal the other day on the street and he looked happy as am I.  But the squirting is here to stay.  To say it was like flipping a switch is a complete understatement.  Once that genie got out of the bottle there's no getting her back in, no way!

    After D, I worried a bit about the etiquette of squirting with new partners.  This isn't just a little gush, I'm soaking the bed here.  Should I disclose it in advance?  Tried that, he was stoked, it ended well.  Try not to squirt and do it anyway because I can't help it?  Tried that, he was stoked, it ended well.  Give a little warning in the heat of the moment?  Tried that, he was stoked, it ended well.  Don't mention it, just let it flow?  Tried that, he was stoked, it ended well.  In short, I have yet to meet a guy who isn't either rock hard at the mere mention of it or at least realized that it rocks after being introduced. 

    In retrospect, this is a no-brainer.  I mean, seriously, would you rather wonder if she really came or if she was faking it, or would you rather now exactly how to make her pussy swell up and then shoot her juice all over you?  So I really don't know why women have such a hard time welcoming this into their lives except that there are also people like @tempest_driver's wife who gets shamed for it and shuts it down.  After my experiences in the past 5 years, when I squirted with my current bf the first time, he asked if it was pee (totally not in a freaked out way), I could laugh and tell him it wasn't and besides, this was just the warm-up act.  Now when his face, fingers and pubes are dripping, he just says, "That's my girl!"

    I want to hear other people's stories, too!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member
    Lips,  Brava!!!  You've learned the lesson and the joys of squirting hard very well.  I really enjoy your listing of several scenarios where the answer is always "It ended well."  Perfect.  Like you, I do hope that others will share their memories, or explain how they feel.  In your case, well done!!  Your b/f is a fortunate man.  I am so glad to hear that you are enjoying it all so much.  The key is losing the intial embarrassment, ignoring the feeling that you are about to pee.
    Thanked by 2lips LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    Same to you -- glad your a member of our community here.

    Women like you will help other women who are still new or just beginning to understand their sexuality, and the squirting phenomenon to understand that it is completely natural, and for most men, I'd venture to say 99% it is a major turn-on sexually.
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
  • Vote Up2Vote Down Lisa_LipsLisa_Lips
    66.35 Karma Points [?]Message Lisa_LipsPosts: 308Member Accepted Answer


    Hi, Im new here and I am a squirter and @lips, I appreciated your story so much! 

    I love porn and remember the very first time I saw a woman squirt was in college. We were watching Miss Directed (I still recall the name) and Tori Wells was going down on Nikki Charmed.  My friend had the video and invited me down to watch it.  And when this scene started, she said "You have GOT to see this!"  Well, Tori makes Nikki squirt her right in the mouth/face!  I didn't know we girls could do that!  I am here to tell you we must have watched that scene literally about 50 times trying to figure out what Tori did with her fingers and such.  I think the only reason my friend and I didn't go down on each other was because we were both feeling awkward about it.

    It wasn't until a few years later, I saw Cytherea (her labia are virtually nonexistant, but her pussy is still a wonder) and remembered seeing the scene in college and well, I HAD to squirt!  So I set about learning.  I bought g-spot toys and watched all kinds of hot porn and had myself a good time. I was probably watching a Cytherea clip when I finally DID squirt!  I was using something just like this except in turquoise!  LOL  Anyway, I just remember, rocking the toy on my gspot, rubbing my extremely swollen clit, and feeling like I was just swelling and building and, basically going to explode!  I pulled out the toy and watched the squirt fly out literally about 6 feet away and hit the wall!  I was astounded - and very happy!  And satiated! 

    It wasn't until about a year later I squirted with a partner.  I remember we had my ankles up on his shoulders, so the head of his cock kept rubbing my gspot.  Finally, he paused for a moment, and I begged him to pull out.  He did and I shot him in the stomach with my squirt!  He said "whoa" becaue he had never seen that before.  At first I was a little worried about what he would think.  But he decided it was super hot, and loved making me squirt.  With him, I was especially fond of doggie style.  For some reason, that position make me just EXPLODE!  I once squirted 7 times in one session doing doggie.  The sheets were soaked, so was I, and so was my boyfriend! We were together for 5 1/2 drenched years.

    Currently, I have a FWB a lovely 20 something who LOVES to eat pussy.  He is excellent at it and could teach a class.  Anyway, he fingers and eats me, and then, I usually end up squirting him in the face. I urge him to move, but he opts to take it.  He enjoys it, obviously.  He said h "I like to smell your cunt on me later.  Tells me I did a good job."  That might be why he wears a goatee and moustache!  Ha ha!

    I love masturbating and, I know this will sound narcissitic, but I really love doing it in the mirror.  I love it when I squirt and watch the juice bounce off the mirror as a reflection!  It makes me so hot!  I don't need a toy to squirt.  I can use my fingers.  I enjoy feeling my gspot swell underneath my fingers.  And then I like to feel the juice fly out.  And then, it fills again....

    And, yes, I have creamed and then squirted.  Actually it was just the other day.  I used my rabbit vibrator and watched a trail of white cream drip out of my pussy and down between my ass cheeks. Very sexy.  Then, I made myself squirt about 30 seconds later. 

    Thank you all, and I hope this wasn't too longwinded.  :-)

    I just read it and think I will go play with myself.  LOL!

  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member
    I just read it and I think I will go play with myself.  LOL!
    Thanked by 1Lisa_Lips
  • Vote Up1Vote Down lipslips
    46.61 Karma Points [?]Message lipsPosts: 195Contributor
    Love your story @Lisa_Lips ! I think I will have to go play with myself now too. Hell, this could be the secondary tag line for the site... ;-)
  • Vote Up0Vote Down sgtbertsgtbert
    270.16 Karma Points [?]Message sgtbertPosts: 1,057Senior Member

    Thank You all for sharing !!!

    I also really enjoy giving cunnilingus , when my taste
    buds start tasting  pussy juices it  sends a signal to my brain that You are enjoying me ,
    giving me some of You , creating a connection between the two of us , It gives me
    a feeling of acceptance , as we connect . The more it turns You on , the more it turnes me on . But I have zero experience with squirting , I have had pussy juices run down both sides of my face & had to dry out my ears because it some times plugs up my ear & I can not hear well with a ear full of goodness but that is well worth it , because I love it . I also have a front loading washing machine , it works well for cleaning pillows , the top loader that I replaced did not work on pillows that good , but my front loader works very good on pillows .

    Thank You !!!

    Bert :-} 

    Thanked by 1Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    Yet another squirter joins our happy bunch here.  Welcome!

    I see the welcoming committee (@lips, @mrmarquis, etc) has already rolled out the red carpet for you. ;)

    Glad to have you. . .and would love to see more pics of your gorgeous pussy. =P~
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
    Thanked by 2lips Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down lipslips
    46.61 Karma Points [?]Message lipsPosts: 195Contributor
    @LabiaLover and @Lisa_Lips

    Yes, we're a happy bunch and I'm so psyched to hear another story about how you started squirting!
    Thanked by 2LabiaLover Montana
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