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  • 48 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Lisa_LipsLisa_Lips
    66.35 Karma Points [?]Message Lisa_LipsPosts: 308Member

    Here is the very first squirting scene I ever saw in my life.  Fast forward past the guy; he is lousy at eating pussy - on purpose(Although some of the sex itself is decent enough).  Part of the scene.  He is how NOT to eat pussy.  Tori Welles is HOW TO eat pussy.


    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2012-08-30 18:38:58
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down lipslips
    46.61 Karma Points [?]Message lipsPosts: 195Contributor
    Tori actually looks a little surprised by the squirt filling her mouth, which makes it even hotter.  Her fingernails are so long though, eek!
    Thanked by 1Lisa_Lips
  • Vote Up0Vote Down sgtbertsgtbert
    270.16 Karma Points [?]Message sgtbertPosts: 1,057Senior Member

    I think she squirted 8 times !!!

    I am getting Jeallous over all of this because I have never experienced it & I wont too !!!

    Thank You Lisa & Lips , I have learned some new things .

    Bert :-}

    Thanked by 1Lisa_Lips
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member
    The more squirting, the better!!  Also, I do love those long red fingernails.  I know some people don't, but I do.  Once again, we come across the benefits of personal preferences!!  LOL.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down crs188crs188
    15.08 Karma Points [?]Message crs188Posts: 13Member
    The first time i realized i was capable of squirting I was pretty young...I remember feeling this rush from my head to my toes it was almost unbearable i had goose bumps everywhere and could not stop shaking! It definatley does feel like you are going to pee though, therefore i understand why most woman haven't gotten to this point! I have also been with someone who accused me of peeing on them!! It was embarassing! I have since been able to get past this and can actually have multiple orgasms where i was able to gush each time. They say the average is 2 cups, and im pretty sure I have exceeded this by FAR! I wish all woman could just relax and let it go...if you dont you will never experience this!!!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member
    crs188, Like you, I just wish that all women could just relax and let it go!!  If only they could, they would find a kind of satisfaction and sexual happiness which has been unavailable to them up to that point in their lives.  As to you, and the idiot who accused you of peeing on him, he should be so lucky as to have you piss all over him.  Forget the embarrassment, just let it go, and pray for more.  Flood the room with your joy and happiness.  The more the better, and anyone who doesn't know  it, just doesn't deserve to be with you.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    Anytime you come around, I gotta drop whatever the heck I'm doing, and come to the site. :D

    I know @getinthepink probably agrees with me.

    I'm blown away that anybody would accuse you of peeing on them if I'm honest.

    With that gorgeous pussy, pretty face, and the fact that you squirt. . .you're a real winner girl. =P~

    I'm just saying. . .you had me at "hello". :x

    I think it's safe to consider me and @getinthepink the crs188 fan club.

    Our membership is a whopping two members! LOL! ;)
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
    Thanked by 1Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator
    Lisa_Lips said:

    Here is the very first squirting scene I ever saw in my life.  Fast forward past the guy; he is lousy at eating pussy - on purpose(Although some of the sex itself is decent enough).  Part of the scene.  He is how NOT to eat pussy.  Tori Welles is HOW TO eat pussy.


    Yeah, he sucks at the task. . .and he's got a serious mullet going on too. LOL! :))
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator
    Gotta say, love the way that chick eats her pussy though. . .that's how I get down, like it's my last meal!! :D
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
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    Thanked by 2lips Montana
  • Vote Up1Vote Down crs188crs188
    15.08 Karma Points [?]Message crs188Posts: 13Member
    I have a fan club of 2! Thanks you never fail to put a smile on my face!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down sgtbertsgtbert
    270.16 Karma Points [?]Message sgtbertPosts: 1,057Senior Member

    crs188 , You have a Bigger fan club than You THINK !!!

    Bert :-}

  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member
    I though I saw a line forming!!!!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator
    Ladies and Gents

    Today, I logged into my account and was greeted by this lovely gem:

    At a minimum, I invite you to watch the preview on that page, and let me know if you don't need a cold shower afterwards (or a warm one if you stand in front of Cytherea). . .

    As I'm sure you all know, Cytherea is the freaking QUEEN of squirting. . .@lisa_lips -- I'd love to see you and Cythera, and @lips all in a room together.

    I'll be sure to wear my raincoat. :D
    1200 x 800 - 253K
    1200 x 800 - 286K
    427 x 240 - 25K
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2012-08-31 16:30:02
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
    Thanked by 2lips Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    crs188 said:

    I have a fan club of 2! Thanks you never fail to put a smile on my face!

    I'm my opinion, the only way you could be any prettier is when you smile. :X

    I'd love to see more pics of that gorgeous pussy of yours too when you have some time. =P~
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
    Thanked by 1Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down crs188crs188
    15.08 Karma Points [?]Message crs188Posts: 13Member
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