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Why dont more men know how to suck on our labias?
  • Vote Up0Vote Down jillybeanjillybean
    5.93 Karma Points [?]Message jillybeanPosts: 10Member
    The guy I am currently with and most others do not know about sucking on the labia. Are they scared or just don't know?
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2013-06-12 19:22:04
  • 14 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up1Vote Down sgtbertsgtbert
    270.16 Karma Points [?]Message sgtbertPosts: 1,057Senior Member

    I Like to suck on Labias !!!

    I like to stick my tongue out & pull with my lips while sucking !!!

    The Bigger they get , the bigger I get !!!

    The more she likes it , the more I like it !!!

    But she does need to talk to me & tell me what she likes better & I know that will change , but I need her to tell me , " Yes right there , Suck Harder , Lick & suck the left side , lick my clit , suck my clit " You get the Idea , Communication . Take look at this video for example , & no I do not bite , But she tells him that , & that is a good thing , The More You like it , the more I like it !!!

    The next 2 are fun too .

    Please Watch , Listen & tell me what You Liked about the videos or did not like .

    Thank You All & Have a Awesome Day !!!

    Bert :-}


  • Vote Up0Vote Down PaulMApphartPaulMApphart
    116.61 Karma Points [?]Message PaulMApphartPosts: 366Shoot Moderator
    This is most likely to be the last place that you'll find guys who don't know about sucking on labia. I'm can't imagine there are many guys on here who wouldn't love to be sucking on a lovely large pair of labia right now.  :)) 
  • Vote Up0Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor Accepted Answer
    Some men haven't experienced a large labia woman before, so they're unsure of how to go about the extra asset. Just tell them what you like and be on the look out for any hesitation when he goes down on you.

    He won't know what or how you want it unless you tell him. Or you could always ask him what he plans to do to you during oral to get a heads up and a little dirty talk in the mean time.
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down jillybeanjillybean
    5.93 Karma Points [?]Message jillybeanPosts: 10Member
    Thanks Eva. That's what I plan on doing if it doesn't work I'm moving on. Several other problems with this guy
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    I agree with @Eva.

    Some men haven't experienced a large labia woman before, and then a second segment of men have a predisposition to licking a woman's pussy in the first place.

    For me licking a woman's pussy is instinctual -- as it is for most primates (look in the animal kingdom and you'll see that animals lick each other's genitals all the time).

    Sometimes men just have a disposition or predisposition that prevents them from following through on their primal urges, or maybe they just need instruction -- and like @Eva pointed out that's where you being vocal comes in.

    Don't go in circles about things, be direct and straight to the point (for most men, including me that is a turn-on in the first place), and if you want your man to lick your pussy or suck on your clit, explicitly lay it out to him as such in that very manner.

    It can only go a few ways if you put it in those terms:

    1) He'll be turned on by your candid explanation of what you want, and in turn do his best to do exactly what you want, while taking instruction from you to to make you cum (this the way I hope it turns out for you). :D

    2) He won't appreciate your take-charge attitude, or may do a half-hearted job at licking your pussy well, and will want to go straight to sex, in which case you could allow or deny him based on your own preferences at that point, based on his effort or lack thereof. L-)

    Either way, if there are other problems, perhaps you're trying to inflate a balloon that has a small hole in it at this point, and perhaps it is time to move on. . . :-?
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down jillybeanjillybean
    5.93 Karma Points [?]Message jillybeanPosts: 10Member
    Thank you guys.I'll try it tomorrow night:)
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Gtiman58Gtiman58
    17.29 Karma Points [?]Message Gtiman58Posts: 40Member
    I completely agree with labialover, BE DIRECT. Odds are (unless he is an ass) he will want to please you and have you enjoy the experience as much as he does. Eva is also right, some men either don't know what to do with the 'extra' or are turned off by it (insert negative guy comment about a woman's privates here). Unfortunately it happens and it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you, its just more of a personal preference. So what was the outcome anyway?
  • Vote Up0Vote Down jillybeanjillybean
    5.93 Karma Points [?]Message jillybeanPosts: 10Member
    He drank too much and went to bed. And he is an ass. I'm done on so many levelss
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Gtiman58Gtiman58
    17.29 Karma Points [?]Message Gtiman58Posts: 40Member
    Ouch, sorry to hear that
  • Vote Up0Vote Down sgtbertsgtbert
    270.16 Karma Points [?]Message sgtbertPosts: 1,057Senior Member

    O @jellybean I also am sorry to here that too .

    Jillybean I wish all the best for YOU !!!

    Lots Of Love !!!

    Bert :-}

  • Vote Up0Vote Down lovelyjlovelyj
    11.62 Karma Points [?]Message lovelyjPosts: 44Member
    Let him know :) or teach him like a pet. Tehehe
    :3 Starting fresh
  • Vote Up0Vote Down sgtbertsgtbert
    270.16 Karma Points [?]Message sgtbertPosts: 1,057Senior Member

    Good Morning @jilljbean !!!

    Let me tell you a little me .

    When I was in the eighth grade & I got kicked out of school .

    I had to go away to Oregon State University for summer school to graduate from the eighth , age 14 , I lived is a dorm called  Poling Hall . During that time I found a girl friend in her early twenties . She fed me M & Ms from her pussy , the colors melted off & not only did she taste good , her Labia was very colorful . It was my job to find all the M & Ms with my tongue . I liked M & Ms before & after that I like them ever more . Later in High School I met a Senior Girl & I was a Freshmen . She introduced me to Flavored Lubricants . Three flavors , Mint , Peppermint & Strawberry . I liked Peppermint  the best . Then Later I got kicked out of high school & went to a Special High School . I met a girl there that melted green Jolly Ranchers in her Pussy , I think the Flavor was apple & it made her Labia Green on the inside .


    May be if your man does not eat pussy , it might be because of the way he Grew up  ???

    May be You could start him with some Flavored Lubricants  & or candy ???

    Let me know what you tried .

    Best of luck & I hope this will help YOU !!!

    Bert :-}

  • Vote Up0Vote Down CornballCornball
    32.14 Karma Points [?]Message CornballPosts: 69Her Flower Moderator
    jillybean said:

    The guy I am currently with and most others do not know about sucking on the labia. Are they scared or just don't know?

    Probably the same reason most women dont know how to suck on a dick...until someone shows/teaches them.  Can't fault them if nobody ever took the time to correct the technique. 
  • Hello.
    I'm not sure the problem would be a simple technical incompentence but his problem is he doesn't like cunnilingus.
    Then a guy or a girl enjoy cunni, he will know how to perform. Perhaps if he knows some technics the result will be best but I think as to practice anything in life, to do it good, you have to enjoy what you do.

    Anyway, I think since june, you fire him lol :-))
    Who like my macaroons?
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