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Guys: What do you like about juicy lips?
  • Vote Up1Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor
    So labia loving men, what's your reaction when you  hear a pair of wet lips make that squishy clicking noise during a good fingering? Does it get on your nerves after a while or does it give you chills because she's THAT wet? 

    How do you handle the flow of her juices?
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2012-02-05 08:31:59
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
  • 6 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down himuhimu
    277.14 Karma Points [?]Message himuPosts: 1,727Senior Member Accepted Answer
    Oh dear Eva,
    at first I would ask her/you to lie on her back and bend the legs and spread them so that I can dive down ... and start licking off all the nectar that were flowing ... then start sucking and licking those inner and outer lips alternatively... in between the lips i would suck lightly lick and flick the hard clit and then suddenly suck it hard with surrounding my lips around it... then I am going to push my tongue in and out between those long inner lips so that she/you produce more of that nectar for me... I would continue doing it till you can't take it any more ....

    I would then hold your legs up against your chest and use my hard dick to slide up-down and around your labia without entering ... and smearing all the juice around and make my dick wet... then all of a sudden drive my long shaft in with one long thrush ... and keep pounding to hear the wet pussy sound... this would continue till we both cum together uncontrollably...

    Does that answer your question?
    Long Labia Lover -> Checkout some of my Threads below:
    Artistic & Erotic | Dominika | Andie | Carmen | Sofi A | Faye | Voluptuous Ladies | Slim & Sexy Ladies
    Thanked by 2Eva Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator Accepted Answer
    Eva said:

    So labia loving men, what's your reaction when you  hear a pair of wet lips make that squishy clicking noise during a good fingering? Does it get on your nerves after a while or does it give you chills because she's THAT wet? 

    How do you handle the flow of her juices?


    My reaction is quite simple and very primal -- in fact I think this is why lips become so wet.

    I suspect that a woman's body, specifically her pussy or other erogenous zones emit some
    kind of chemical scent that a man can only detect sub-consciously -- I think this is what drives
    the race, and helps us to continue pro-creating.  It basically ensures that a man will always find
    a woman's pussy and her innate sexuality to be the ultimate "conquest" so to speak.

    That said, I typically follow my urges, and allow my body and hers to "connect" -- my face is
    usually between her legs at this point, and it's pretty difficult to resist the urge to start licking
    her pussy when she's that wet, because I like to taste her and encourage her to have an orgasm.

    I've been with women who get so caught up over what their lips look like, how it sounds to me,
    and how long it might take them to cum (if I've been licking for awhile), and my response is almost
    always the same:

    "Baby. . .just lay back and enjoy it.  Feel it.  Stop thinking so much.  This is *your* time."

    Usually once she realizes I'm in for the long haul, she can relax and just go with the feeling,
    and in most cases, she cums a LOT faster than she thought she would initially, because she
    just allows herself to relax, and not have to think about everything.

    So to answer your question -- YES, it turns me on, and how I "handle the flow of juices", is
    simply by licking her or fingering her more to encourage the flow of more wetness until she
    has an orgasm. . .after she has hers. . .then it's my turn and at this point is when I slide my
    now hard cock inside her wet waiting pussy. ;)

    I find that I'm very primal when it comes to sex, and I've also been told that I'm very primal
    by multiple women, so I believe it to be true. :)

    I believe that a woman allowing you to be between her legs fingering, licking, sucking, and
    exploring her pussy is like the ultimate form of vulnerability for a woman. . .the ultimate form
    of submission that a woman could allow herself into by allowing that man to have his way with
    her most intimate of body parts -- her pussy.

    This is why I'm known as "Labia Lover". . .but my name could also be "Pussy Lover" or
    "Woman Lover" -- because I love pussy, I love nice labia, I love the female body in ways
    I cannot explain, and I ultimately love women in general.

    For this reason, I've determined that for me, monogamy is an impossible situation, because
    it directly contradicts how much I love women and how much I love pussy quite honestly.

    It's a good thing my girlfriend understands this, and even encourages it, because I think in
    any other situation, I'd be in trouble. . . :P
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2012-02-05 08:58:00
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
    Thanked by 3Eva Montana Amira
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator Accepted Answer
    Oh one more thing. . .

    I have a confession to make. . .

    The one thing that drives me absolutely BAT-SHIT,
    and makes me go crazy sexually, is when I'm licking
    a woman's wet pussy, and my arms are wrapped around
    her legs, and her legs start to twitch in response to me licking
    her pussy properly as she is about to orgasm.

    That drives me INSANE and makes me only think about penetrating
    her pussy after she cums -- a nuclear bomb could go off outside my
    window, and rather than run, I'd only think about putting my cock inside
    the woman that's in front of me after she orgasms!

    That's how crazy the leg-twitching thing drives me!! :D
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2012-02-05 10:37:02
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
    Thanked by 1Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor

    Oh one more thing. . .

    I have a confession to make. . .

    The one thing that drives me absolutely BAT-SHIT,
    and makes me go crazy sexually, is when I'm licking
    a woman's wet pussy, and my arms are wrapped around
    her legs, and her legs start to twitch in response to me licking
    her pussy properly as she is about to orgasm.

    That drives me INSANE and makes me only think about penetrating
    her pussy after she cums -- a nuclear bomb could go off outside my
    window, and rather than run, I'd only think about putting my cock inside
    the woman that's in front of me after she orgasms!

    That's how crazy the leg-twitching thing drives me!! :D

    Now that's what you call a dedicated labia lover!
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
    Thanked by 2LabiaLover Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down himuhimu
    277.14 Karma Points [?]Message himuPosts: 1,727Senior Member Accepted Answer

    This is why I'm known as "Labia Lover". . .but my name could also be "Pussy Lover" or
    "Woman Lover" -- because I love pussy, I love nice labia, I love the female body in ways
    I cannot explain, and I ultimately love women in general.

    Wow! LL! very well said... I think you can explain and express your feelings much much better than any of us.
    I wouldn't be able to explain my feelings or reaction in such a vivid way...   =D>
    Long Labia Lover -> Checkout some of my Threads below:
    Artistic & Erotic | Dominika | Andie | Carmen | Sofi A | Faye | Voluptuous Ladies | Slim & Sexy Ladies
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member Accepted Answer
    To me, there's nothing in the world more beautiful than a woman in the throes of ecstasy. And a woman who's sloppy wet in my mind is either there, or very close. So I say that there's no such thing as a woman who's too wet. And all the clicking, squishy, slurping sounds that happen as a result just add that audible element to all the sights, smell, stastes, and feels that come together to makes the aroused woman my single most favorite thing in existence.

    And I would question the sexuality of any man that could actually get tired of such a thing.
    Post edited by tempest_driver at 2012-02-06 12:57:53
    Thanked by 2LabiaLover Amira
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