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To the ladies – your thoughts/advice on talking dirty
  • Vote Up0Vote Down krisfoenkrisfoen
    23.96 Karma Points [?]Message krisfoenPosts: 70Member

    To the ladies who frequent this forum I have some questions about
    talking dirty and a request for help. Appreciate if you would answer these

    1. How do
      you feel about dirty talk during sex?
    2. Does it turn you on to hear dirty talk?
    3. Are you happy to talk dirty yourself?
    4. How do
      you feel about the word “cunt”? I know it’s a very provocative and
      controversial word and not one I’d normally use with a woman, but during the
      heat of sex I find it enormously erotic. Nothing hotter for me than having a
      woman say something like “I need your hard cock inside my hot wet cunt!”

    Following on from above, while sex with my wife is fantastic, my only
    frustration is that she just cannot bring herself to talk dirty no matter how
    often I’ve tried to persuade her to. I know she wants to but she just finds
    herself unable to do it. Even the word “pussy” she seems to feel silly/awkward
    saying. I of course would never coerce her into doing something she really
    feels uncomfortable about but ladies (or even men) if you can you suggest any
    tips I can try to get her comfortable with talking dirty that would be greatly


  • 8 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up1Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor Accepted Answer
    1. Do I like dirty talk? ...I love it!

    2. Dirty talk turns me on instantly because my thoughts have zoned in to all the lovely and naughty things being done to me or to my partner. Just imagining they're facial expressions and the feel of their body gets me all tingly inside. The more detail, the wetter I usually get.

    3. Don't forget that dirty talk can't stray to far into fantasy world. Once your partner hears whatever acts you came up with, you better believe that sooner than later they'll be flipping you over on a heartbeat just to try it out. Make sure your words match with your actions. If you want an easy way to kill a hot dirty talk session it's getting hesitant and freaked out.

    4. Don't be so quick to get really intimate. Linger with the foreplay a little graze your lips with their skin, nuzzle your nose in sensitive spots, glide by their thigh ect. You want them to yearn for what you're telling them and get antsy.

    Good luck with your wife. Some people are just shy when it comes to things. Sometimes it's good to tease them with their orgasms. What I like to do is get my partner really sensitive and almost to the edge then stop until he tells me what he wants me to do. I make sure he's descriptive to or else I purposely make mistakes and make him wait to orgasm for even longer.
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
    Thanked by 2sgtbert krisfoen
  • Vote Up0Vote Down AmiraAmira
    14.61 Karma Points [?]Message AmiraPosts: 17Member Accepted Answer
    1. Dirrty talk actually is a huuuuge turn on for me. My problem is, that I live in Germany and I don't think that German is the best language for it. It somehow is a lot hotter for me when I'm with a English/Spanish/Arabic/Russian (even though I don't even understand Russian but there's something about it that makes me wet. Guess because it sounds aggressive) speaking partner. And I find it easier to talk dirty in those languages as well. Way easier for me to say "pussy" than "Muschi" or "Fotze" how it would be in German. Strange but true haha
    Another thing is that it has to be honest. Like what comes to your mind right now, no matter how fucked up it is, just say it. I hate it when you feel that you have to say this or that. It's not authentic ergo not sexy for me.

    2. I wish more men would be vocal in bed. I always seem to get the ones that don't even moan. Not that great if you have to make sure that he's still there or if you can't tell what he likes/if he's enjoying it at all. ;) 
    "I love your tight/wet/little pussy", "I want to suck your throbbing clit til you cum all over me", "do you like my hard cock inside of you", "your pussy tastes so good" Those are examples for what I like to hear ;)
    If a guy says something dirty that really turns me on I can immediately feel it in my pussy and I just want to get all over him. Sadly I only had one guy who did it :(

    3. For me it's very relieving to let it all out. If I'm treated the right way I'm very loud in bed. A lot of guys complained about that. I scream, moan, shout. Holding all of that in is pretty hard for me. I can stop it but that just doesn't feel right for me. This is embarassing but I even talk dirty while I'm masturbating. Now that I think about it it's actually pretty stupid to say stuff like "can you feel how wet I am", "fuck my tight little pussy" "right there, don't stop" to your vibrator but I can't help it haha

    4. " During the heat of sex I find it enormously erotic". I can only agree with that. I like to be called a lot of stuff during sex that you should never say to me at any other time (bitch, slut) or saying stuff like cunt, hole... But only if I know that the person actually respects me and just says it there. (had the opposite happen way too often)

    Honestly I don't think I can help you with that, sorry :/
    "I know she wants to but she just finds herself unable to do it". I know that feeling sooo well.
    I want and need to let it all out, but my inner control freak always gets in the way. I'm kinda scared of losing control because then I could do/say something embarassing, that could be a turn off/put me in a bad light etc. I use to overthink everything. It got better because with time I felt that it's frustrating and not satisfying for me, but I still have my issues with it.
    I've always been insecure about everything that I do, how I look and having quite a lot of men telling me that I'm too loud, bossy etc in bed didn't help.
    Do you know why she feels about it like that?
    I know she wants to but she just finds
    unable to do it. - See more at: can understand why she's feeling that wy

    I know she wants to but she just finds
    unable to do it. - See more at:"I know she wants to but she just finds herself unable to do it" Even if what I wrote above might sound different, it's not easy for me to do it. I want and need to let it all out but I tend to overthink everything. My inner control freaks tell me not to do it, because when I do it I lose all control and I am scared that I could say stupid stuff or something that is a turn off for him/her.
    Post edited by Amira at 2013-09-17 22:57:23
  • Vote Up0Vote Down AmiraAmira
    14.61 Karma Points [?]Message AmiraPosts: 17Member Accepted Answer
    Okay, that happens when I try to quote something haha. Sorry, I'm super new to this page.
    Just ignore everything after "Do you know why she feels about it like that?" :D
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator Accepted Answer
    @Amira It's all good. . .your contribution is what counts.  Don't worry about being politically correct. ;)
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
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    Thanked by 2xxl4skin Amira
  • Vote Up0Vote Down xxl4skinxxl4skin
    160.91 Karma Points [?]Message xxl4skinPosts: 1,270Senior Member Accepted Answer
    @Amira , du wirst noch eine menge Männer treffen die Dir im Bett Kompliemente machen und scharfe Sachen zu Dir sagen. Wahrscheinlich hattest Du bisher eher mit gleichaltrigen oder unwesentlich älteren Männern zu tun ! ? Mit dem Alter werden Wir offener - versprochen Amira.
    long stretching is sexy
    Thanked by 1Amira
  • Vote Up0Vote Down krisfoenkrisfoen
    23.96 Karma Points [?]Message krisfoenPosts: 70Member
    Thanks Amira and Eva for your great answers. Hoping the other ladies will add their thoughts too.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Lisa_LipsLisa_Lips
    66.35 Karma Points [?]Message Lisa_LipsPosts: 308Member Accepted Answer
    It depends a lot on the mood of the sex itself and, to an extent, how uninhibited I feel with the man in question.  But, yes, I do love me some dirty talk, sometimes.  Heh...
    Thanked by 1krisfoen
  • Vote Up0Vote Down AgathaAgatha
    41.21 Karma Points [?]Message AgathaPosts: 188Member Accepted Answer
    I love it too. Such a turn on when your partner talks dirty. I really really love it. I like doing it too. It best when you are both in the moment and it's spontaneous. Cunt is a sexy word.
    Thanked by 1krisfoen
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