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Do you like the tastesand the flavours of your partner and can you describe them?
  • Vote Up1Vote Down MontanaMontana
    331.24 Karma Points [?]Message MontanaPosts: 2,413Senior Member
    Starting at university long time ago, I left my parents house and rent a student room in the city I studied. There was an immediate click between me and the landlady. She was a nightnurse from about 30 and I was 20 and had no experience at all apart from kissing girlfriends after dancing. She was a mix of a Japanese father and a Dutch mother which resulted in a beautiful long slim woman with long black hair and legs to die for. Normally she comes home from work just before I went to college. She invited me in for a cup of coffey and there she sat in a short bathrobe with the sight of a huge amount with the most beautiful bare legs I had seen till then. To make things short, I could not resist her and within half an hour she was on bed naked and spread eagle and I devouring her between them. She was delicious! This became the start of the day for many times. During my life I always have to smell and taste my lover before we mix together. I adore that taste! Walking in the street or simply shopping in the supermarket, I wonder, when I see a girl that attracts me how the flavour of her legs are, and how she tastes between them. It is good they do not know haha! But I found out once I like the taste and flavour, its always a woman of my heart as if it is her visitcard. I know many man on this site love to eat their woman as I do so can you describe the flavours and the tastes of your girl.... and how about you women here, what excites you in this? 
    :D ;)
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • 5 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down sgtbertsgtbert
    270.16 Karma Points [?]Message sgtbertPosts: 1,057Senior Member Accepted Answer
    Some do taste better than others .
    For me ,
    The ones that drink more water taste better :-}
    The ones that drink Diet Coke do not taste as good .
    The ones that drink lots of Coffee , You can taste the coffee & I like coffee .

    But every one is different .

    Have a Good Day !!!
    Bert :-}
    Thanked by 1Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down licknthick1licknthick1
    773.69 Karma Points [?]Message licknthick1Posts: 1,978Senior Member
    I have enjoyed the tastes and flavours of most of the women I have sampled. I can remember only one lady that had a musky flavour, but it was not off-putting. I do not like it when a lady puts perfume anywhere near her pussy- it is distracting, and I do not want to taste perfume for sure. Hot and sweaty perspiration does not bother me- I think ladies are too worried about that. My wife has a generally sweet taste. I will wear proudly on my face the aroma of a wonderful pussy!
    Thanked by 1Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator
    Yes, the smell of a woman usually drives me insane.  Pussy has such a distinct smell.  I think in a very instinctual way, women release pheromones from their bodies (science tells us this is true) when they know they are about to engage in an intimate act with a man (or another woman).

    The scent, mixed with those pheromones personally drive me insane. . .it brings out the primal urges in me.

    My last girlfriend has a very distinct smell, and on some days it was more powerful than others, and I would just want to dive right into her pussy -- in fact the last time we had sex before we broke up, she had texted me the next day while I was out and asked me if I could lick her pussy and fuck her the way I did the day before.

    The evening before, we had a bit of an argument, but afterwards we had a really deep connection and had the most amazing sex ever (perhaps we both knew we were going to break up??). . .

    Having been with a number of women, I can say that all ladies have a very distinct smell, and taste.

    While the smell varies as much as the taste does, once I catch a whiff of those pheromones, my mouth, tongue and body become primal, and it's all instinctual. . .I am no longer in control aside from consciously making the effort to please her. ;)

    Have I mentioned how much I love the smell of pussy? :X :D
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
    Thanked by 1Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down MontanaMontana
    331.24 Karma Points [?]Message MontanaPosts: 2,413Senior Member
    @labialover, you just described it fantastic! I feel the same way buddy. It's one of the wonders of the world
    :D :x
  • Vote Up0Vote Down MontanaMontana
    331.24 Karma Points [?]Message MontanaPosts: 2,413Senior Member
    Well @labialover my buddy. A few years before I went to study, I was a teenager and ill for half a year and I was sent to family in the south of France to recover. My uncle and aunt were very nice people and had a wineyard. Daily they got several friends from the neighbourhood on visit to spend some time and so at one of my first days there a beautiful dancer from Paris, called Hortense, who had a holiday house very near, visited. She came in in a beautiful short white dress which showed her legs of in a way that my brain started to melt down. With a smile she noticed and invited me to try the pool at her place the next day. "She likes you, my uncle whispered in my enjoy!" so the next day I was there. When she sat down on her couch I could clearly see her shaven meaty pussy. I had never seen one for real that time so I looked open mouthed. "Go on TASTE" she said and guided my head between her lovely legs. I almost died in lust. She was soaking wet and tasted addicting. Since that day I spend every day a few hours on het bed with my mouth filled with her delights. She came as an Icecream machine and I was a very greedy customer. We also had very warm contact. At my last day there she asked me do do her before I left and I did. My face was wet from her honey and while sitting in the train back home, I brought my hands before my mouth and nose and almost fainted of her fruity flavor. This is 48 years ago and still I could relive every second with that beauty... Hortense. After her it was not only the legs that could make me crazy. So ladies WHAT AN ADDICTING TREASURE YOU HAVE WITH YOU ALL DAY
    :x :x :x :x :x
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