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Do you think I'm attractive?
  • Hey girls, I would just like to know if any of you think I'm attractive. I'm a single man and haven't had any luck with women. I thought I'd be a husband and father years ago, but I'm 33 and still single. I have been staying a virgin because I personally want to save myself for the woman I marry. It's very important to me. This is so embarrassing to say, but I've never even had a girlfriend and only kissed 2 girls in my life. All the women throughout my life whom I've been crazy about have never wanted me in that way. I'm just trying the online thing, and this was one site I felt awkward about joining at first, but I also thought it was good because I think large labias/clits are SOOOOO attractive, and women who have them need to know it, so please don't be embarrassed about it! And whoever does think I'm attractive, that doesn't mean I'm going to assume that you're interested in me as, but if you are, then let me know. I'd love to see your face pics! I haven't figured out how to upload more pics to my profile, so I'll try adding more here in this discussion.
    Me 01.jpg
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    700 x 400 - 90K
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2014-07-23 20:14:28
  • 11 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down indieoceanindieocean
    15.38 Karma Points [?]Message indieoceanPosts: 5Guest
    Hi .... I felt compelled to answer your posting . I am going to be perfectly real and
    cj lips
  • Vote Up0Vote Down indieoceanindieocean
    15.38 Karma Points [?]Message indieoceanPosts: 5Guest
    did this even show my whole comment ??
    cj lips
  • No it didn't. I'm not sure why.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down indieoceanindieocean
    15.38 Karma Points [?]Message indieoceanPosts: 5Guest
    i will try again
    cj lips
  • Vote Up0Vote Down indieoceanindieocean
    15.38 Karma Points [?]Message indieoceanPosts: 5Guest Accepted Answer
    sorry about that ...
    first I wanted to welcome you and thank you for the nice comment about the attractiveness of large labia :)))))))
     and then wanted to assure you that you are attractive and that you really shouldn't stress your marriage status at 33 .....most people I know who married early are all divorced now. Its not your appearance but perhaps certain energy that you are emitting ....if there is any lack of confidence , insecurity etc,,,it may show then perhaps you aren't attracting what you would like .  but as far as not being attractive ...please don't even go there in your mind.           take care  , CJ.
    cj lips
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator Accepted Answer

    Hey. . .I figured I'd chime in on this for you becaue I have lots of friends and some are socially awkward with women like you have mentioned you are.

    I'm going to explain something to you that might come across a little strange at first but will make much more sense after your first sexual experience (assuming you take my advice).

    So first thing's first. . .stop saving yourself and your virginity.

    If you want to save yourself anyway after reading this for religious reasons or whatever the case, that is your prerogative, however, I will make some very compelling arguments for you as you will see here.

    Most of my friends who are socially awkward around women are virgins (there is maybe 1 or 2 in the bunch who are awkward anyway, even though they aren't virgins, but the vast majority that are like that are virgins).

    Here's something you should know: After your first sexual experience with a woman, you will develop a newfound outlook on your interaction with women -- some women will refer to this as "swag" or "swagger".  I speak from experience, because women tell me all the time that they love my "swag".

    It will also give you a new level of confidence (most of the time) as a man, and you'll start to approach women that previously you may have considered "unapproachable" (I've dated strippers, models, and other women that most men would be afraid to approach).

    You'll also be saving yourself from the inevitably awkward first sexual experience -- your first time will likely be weird for you or for her, or for both of you because you're going to be 'over-thinking' it, and that's a natural thing, but it's also why it's so important to have had a sexual experience in the first place by this point in your life.

    I'll be 35 this Saturday and have been sexually involved with well over 100 women, and I don't say that to brag or sound pompous (though I am proud of it because I have lots of experience as a result). . .but I say it because I'm 2 years older than you and am *NEVER* socially awkward around women -- ever.

    Even my friends ask me how I approach the most beautiful women, and they tell me that I'm a "casanova" and all that nonsense, when in reality, I'm not -- I'm just another average guy, but having so many sexual experience has added to my confidence as a man and I will approach any woman I'm interested in regardless of how she looks simply because all she can really say is: she's not interested in me, which isn't the end of the world.

    Being a virgin also adds to the pressure as well -- I can't speak from a woman's perspective (perhaps some women would think it's noble, or whatever the case), but I can speak from my own perspective as a man that has been sexually involved with a few women who were virgins, and it was a bit awkward (for them, not me), because they were over-thinking things and concerned about whether they could "please me" or not (they pleased without a problem by the way).  It just created added pressure that wouldn't have really existed if they weren't virgins.

    Now imagine that from a woman's perspective -- some women may consider it a novelty to know you're a virgin, but I suspect some women may perceive it the way I did when I had sex with women who were virgins.

    Further to my points here is that you are setting yourself up for an odd marriage situation -- like anyone else, I value the sanctity of marriage, and have been married once before to a very good woman (neither of us were virgins luckily).

    If you marry a woman and the sex stinks between you and her, what will you do?

    What will you do if even after trying different things the sex continues to suck for years and years. . .?

    I mention these things, because being a virgin and saving yourself for marriage is the equivalent of buying ONE car and keeping it for the rest of your life, no matter what the cost/expenses/emotional experience, etc. without having EVER driven any other cars, EVER in your entire life.

    Unfortunately in our society, many social stigmata exist which cause people to do things like save themselves for marriage because sex is considered so taboo in by our social standards, and even more so once you look at it from the perspective of any religion.

    This belief leads to other weird outcomes, like women thinking their labia aren't normal requiring sites like this to be created to further convince women they are perfectly fine/normal.

    Then you have the more egregious things like Indian women smothering female babies at birth considering them to be less "valuable" then male babies -- or countries like China adopting policies to limit the number of births a family may be allowed to have, and performing forced abortions.  And even China has the problem where the common belief is that women are less "valuable" than men.

    This leads to a society that has a far higher rate of male populace than female, leaving a majority of men (something like 1 in 5) to be unmarried by the time they reach your age or even older.

    I personally believe women are the most valuable creatures on our planet, and that as men we'd probably be reduced to killing ourselves slowly without the female creature to bring us back down to Earth and help maintain our composure.

    You believe in God right?  Know that woman was his/her greatest blessing to us as a men (and vice versa).

    Why would you intentionally reject something your creator has given you as a blessing (Just appealing to your religious/logical side here not trying to offend you)??

    Or you end up in a situation where a perfectly normal attractive 33 year old man is socially awkward with women to the point where he is automatically put into the "friend zone" by the women he is attracted to, and joins a site like this one, and then asks the women if they think he's attractive when it's quite obvious to anyone with eyes that he is attractive. ;)

    All of which are simply ridiculous but predicated by the belief that sex is taboo.

    The women you are attracted to put you in the friend zone for a reason my friend, and I can guarantee you that part of the reason is because you are a virgin (maybe not in every case, but I'm pretty sure it some cases it makes a difference to them).

    You have no basis for comparison yet, but as a man who has had sex with women who were virgins, I can tell you for sure that it put some pressure on me as well to make the experience as great as possible for them, especially since in 2 of the instances, we went into the experience knowing that we would not be together indefinitely, but they wanted me to be the one they lost their virginity to, because they figured I'd make the experience memorable for them (and I did because I know that is pretty important to women especially).

    So my advice to you is: Set your religious beliefs aside if you really care about being happy.  God/Allah/Buddha/The Universe/Whatever You Believe In will forgive your trespass, trust me on that. ;)

    Go out there, don't create any absolute rules for a woman you meet (i.e. "I'll never have sex with you unless we get married"), and go with the flow, and see what happens -- I can guarantee you'll be pleasantly surprised, and you'll find a new confidence you didn't have originally (it increases with more sexual experience as well, and I can tell you this from experience as well).

    You'll suddenly understand why songs are created describing in detail how men want to make love to women (most R&B songs, love ballads, etc), you'll understand poetry in a different way, you'll understand women in a different way, you'll come to respect women in a different way too overall.

    It will just totally change your perspective -- and it'll also allow you to let any women you date going forward, off the proverbial "hook" that they'll be on if sex with you sucks (since they won't have to be married to you to know if you're sexually compatible or not), or vice versa.

    Sexual compatibility is a very important thing is most relationships, and I can guarantee you that if you aren't sexually compatible with the woman you choose to marry (assuming you save your virginity) that your marriage will not last, and if it does, you'll both be miserable.

    So there it is my friend. . .you can take that advice if you feel it resonates with you, or you can ignore it if it doesn't, but either way, as I'm sure most here will agree with me, it still remains true either way. ;)

    Notice that CJ (@indieocean) pointed out some of the very things I mentioned (i.e. confidence, insecurity, stigma created energy, etc).

    Most women will tell you that they like a confident man. . .that comes from sexual experience to be honest (for most men anyway, and guys feel free to chime in here if I'm off at all about my assertion here), and if you lack confidence, you'll be "friend-zoned" in a lot of instances.

    Set the religion aside temporarily, go meet some women, sow your wild oats (you should have done that already by this point anyway), and then ask God/Allah/The Universe to forgive you afterwards.

    Then and only then should you consider the prospect of marriage, because you'll also view yourself differently and know what you expect from a woman, and what you can give her as well (emotionally, sexually, spiritually, etc).

    Take care and let me know how it turns out. :D
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2014-07-23 20:59:20
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
    Thanked by 1[Deleted User]
  • Vote Up0Vote Down indieoceanindieocean
    15.38 Karma Points [?]Message indieoceanPosts: 5Guest Accepted Answer
    that's pretty awesome advice I must agree 100 percent with "labialover"....and yes from a women's point of view experience is such a turn on is fully emitted by your energy....that "swag" ... ...its really hot in a guy and with the right cologne...OMG....forget about it !!  lol   I have been with a virgin and let me give you some invaluable advice..get some practice in first ...yes stop saving yourself and live a little !!!!...     
    cj lips
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    I wear Armani Code and Burberry Brit. LOL! :P :D
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down sgtbertsgtbert
    270.16 Karma Points [?]Message sgtbertPosts: 1,057Senior Member
    Wow @LabiaLover that is like a book .

    & well said , Good :-}
    Bert :-}
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down indieoceanindieocean
    15.38 Karma Points [?]Message indieoceanPosts: 5Guest
    ha ha ha !!!  I know right ?  lol
    cj lips
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator
    Since @michaelp1981 decided to delete his account, I'm going to close this thread.
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
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