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just curious how many prefer shaved an unshaved an why?
  • Vote Up2Vote Down blazeoneblazeone
    16.42 Karma Points [?]Message blazeonePosts: 45Member
    Just curious
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2014-09-27 23:04:46
    Thanked by 1sgtbert
  • 16 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up1Vote Down blazeoneblazeone
    16.42 Karma Points [?]Message blazeonePosts: 45Member
    I myself like shaved because it shows off those beautiful curves for one and for two i love licking an sucking and feeling that beautiful bare skin no hairballs lol
    Thanked by 2sgtbert Montana
  • Vote Up2Vote Down xxl4skinxxl4skin
    160.91 Karma Points [?]Message xxl4skinPosts: 1,270Senior Member Accepted Answer
    yes, i prefer shaved also....
    long stretching is sexy
    Thanked by 2sgtbert Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down licknthick1licknthick1
    773.69 Karma Points [?]Message licknthick1Posts: 1,978Senior Member Accepted Answer
    Shaved is good----but as long as it is trimmed well and not bushy, I don't mind that.
  • Vote Up1Vote Down sgtbertsgtbert
    270.16 Karma Points [?]Message sgtbertPosts: 1,057Senior Member Accepted Answer
    I Like Shaved or what ever is done to remove ALL the Hair !!!

    I really dislike a Lose Hair , When a Woman is sitting on my face & I get a LOSE HAIR in my mouth , it takes ALL the Fun out of it , have to stop & get the hair out of the back of my mouth . But one time I think I Swallowed one loose Hair because I could not find it , but sex was done , the mood was ruined because of it .

    Bert .
    Thanked by 1Montana
  • Vote Up1Vote Down blazeoneblazeone
    16.42 Karma Points [?]Message blazeonePosts: 45Member
    Yes sgtbert i feel the same way ive swalloed a few myself an was done something about hairballs an trying to remove them kills a mood
    Thanked by 1sgtbert
  • Vote Up1Vote Down licknthick1licknthick1
    773.69 Karma Points [?]Message licknthick1Posts: 1,978Senior Member Accepted Answer
    I can understand why a loose hair might be distracting. I know that no matter close I trim, when getting my cock sucked, my wife always seems to find a hair, and she gets distracted and stops for a bit, so it is off-putting for both of us. But I am willing to let it go for her sake when I lick her, because I want her not to be distracted and get to an orgasm. Because that is very important for me to have her cum- I am much more excited when she does, than when she is not able to. I would have a numb tongue and not pay attention to any loose hairs for that!
    Thanked by 2sgtbert Montana
  • Vote Up1Vote Down AmarjitAmarjit
    2.98 Karma Points [?]Message AmarjitPosts: 14Member Accepted Answer
    I think a shaved Pussy is great. You get a chance to taste the wholesome skin all around and lick it full. But then again, nature gave pubic hair and there must be a reason for that. So I am OK both with shaven or unshaven Pussies. Both types turn me on and I have li jed both types. At the end, what matters is the taste and a clean Pussy.
    Thanked by 2sgtbert Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down krisfoenkrisfoen
    23.96 Karma Points [?]Message krisfoenPosts: 70Member Accepted Answer
    Ah, now this is a subject VERY close to my heart. Personally I'm not fond of completely shaved pussies, but I do think the best thing that porn ever did for us was to encourage the fashion of women shaving or waxing their pubic hair to make it tidier, and best of all to remove all hair from the outer labia. I'm not a young guy, and I can remember when UK porn magazines (probably in the late 1970s) first started to show pictures of women with their outer labia shaved or waxed. Prior to that, the absurd UK censorship laws meant that if a model's labia minora (inner lips) were going to be visible in a photo, the magazine would airbrush them out. However, this airbrushing was usually a pathetically poor attempt to make it look as if the girl was more hairy than she was down there, and resulted in some very strange multi-coloured fuzzy looking pussies! Anyway, when they started showing bare labia, and particularly when you could see the inner labia minora, that's when my appreciation, and adoration, of quite large or protruding labia minora started. Soon after this I persuaded my wife to let me shave her pussy. I have never stopped doing so since. In fact, I really cannot enjoy sex the same unless my wife's labia have been shaved. 

    Now of course, when this fashion for shaving/waxing started, women never removed ALL of the pubic hair. It was always just to tidy up the pubes into a neat triangle or similar, and then completely make it bare from below the clitoral hood. Porn led the way with this - so we could at last just enjoy the true beauty of a woman's vulva in all its glory, with no hair hiding the interesting bits! And that's how I've always preferred pussies to look - I still much prefer there to be pubic hair above the clit area, as I just think it looks much sexier, and more like an adult women, than a young girl. I guess this preference may also be connected to me having grown up seeing porn, and having my first sexual experiences, with women who had a lovely thick bush of dark pubic hair. Just seeing a womens pubes was enough to get me very excited!

    Anyway now when I see pussy that's covered in pubes, (partly or completely hiding their labia) I am always very disappointed and say to myself "Hmm, if ONLY she'd shaved her labia!" On the other hand, when I see a beautiful pussy, which for me is usually one with long or thick labia minora, if the woman's vulva is completely bare I always think how much sexier she would look if she's kept some pubic hair. 

    As I just mentioned on another thread I posted this week on this forum (click here to read - It's about Japanese women apparently tending to have larger labia minora than most of their western counterparts) , I have noticed that in Japanese porn the tendency is still very much to keep your pubic hair. In fact it seems to me that until recently most Japaneses porn featured very hairy pussies, but now we are starting to see many with their outer labia shaved bare. Again, the latter is exactly what I like, as I'm not a fan of totally shaved pussies, but prefer a nice neatly trimmed one, but totally bare from the clit hood downwards - and there seems to be lots like that featured now in Japanese porn. In fact I've always particularly liked the contrast of a neat triangle of very thick, very dark pubic hair,shaved into a tidy triangle - combined with nice dark and meaty labia minora - so as you can imagine I find many Japanese models particularly arousing. The completely shaved look only seems to be catching on in Japan now, so it looks like they are many years behind the western world with their pubic hair fashions - and I for one certainly hope that the completely bare look does not take hold as much there as it has in western porn! 

    Anyway, I know I've gone on about this at length now (!!) but as you can see it's something I feel quite strongly about! I'd welcome anyone else's view/comments about what Ive said - and particularly would like some input from the ladies.
    Thanked by 1Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down teamloudteamloud
    5.75 Karma Points [?]Message teamloudPosts: 18Member Accepted Answer
    I like trimmed nicely or bald eagle. A wet bald eagle is such a turn on for me because the lips are super slippery and shiney
    Thanked by 1Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down john1962john1962
    3.33 Karma Points [?]Message john1962Posts: 8Member Accepted Answer
    shaved for me all the way
    Thanked by 1Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down xxl4skinxxl4skin
    160.91 Karma Points [?]Message xxl4skinPosts: 1,270Senior Member Accepted Answer
    for me.... shaved
    long stretching is sexy
    Thanked by 1Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down canamcanam
    13.12 Karma Points [?]Message canamPosts: 29Member Accepted Answer
    Both my wife and I prefer a pussy to be hairless but every now and then it is nice to see a little patch of some sort up top ... I always keep myself (male) shaved for the same reason as for pussies .... why fight hairs when there is so much other fun stuff to do than go hair hunting
    Thanked by 1Montana
  • Vote Up0Vote Down CougsfanCougsfan
    1.51 Karma Points [?]Message CougsfanPosts: 0Member Accepted Answer
    For my I dont really care. Granted I dont want a huge bush on a woman, but if there is a patch of hair or a small bush I dont care. I love having a woman sit on my face so it can be a lot of fun to run my hands through the patch of hair. As for myself I like to keep it shaved or trimmed as much as possible because I can grow a thick fur patch over my cock and balls.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down May_I_TasteMay_I_Taste
    2.21 Karma Points [?]Message May_I_TastePosts: 6Member Accepted Answer
    blazeone said:

    I myself like shaved because it shows off those beautiful curves for one and for two i love licking an sucking and feeling that beautiful bare skin no hairballs lol

    I couldn't have said it any better
  • I understand that pubic hair is normal and natural and there's nothing wrong with it, but I definitely find that I much prefer it to be short or (even better) completely gone.  My wife doesn't really care one way or another, but I do find her admiring her pussy in the mirror after grooming it.  I think she prefers hers bare, but she wouldn't bother with lots of maintenance if she didn't know how much I like it bare.

    We don't like it shaved because it gets prickly so fast and results in some razor burn.  She had it waxed for quite a while, but that always resulted in some ingrown hairs.  I certainly don't want her to feel any discomfort due to my preference for no pubic hair, so what we've settled on is using a beard trimmer to keep it as short as it can get without getting rough or prickly.

    This has been a fantastic solution for both of us, because she gets the beauty and heightened sensation from not having all that hair in the way, and she has no skin discomfort from shaving or waxing.  I get the benefit of a nice soft pussy, none of her pussy's skin hidden from view, and no problem of stray hairs in my mouth when I eat her out.  She also lets me do the grooming for her - she lies on her back with her legs splayed while I get all up in every nook & cranny and manipulate her flaps as I trim the hair.  She enjoys the sensations of my fingers pulling and stretching her labia and the trimmer vibrating her pubic area.  In turn, I let her use the trimmer on my own pubic hair, which feels terrific.

    We enjoy this frequent ritual and highly recommend it to others.  It brings us closer as we're taking care of each others' bodies and trusting each other with our most sensitive bits.  It lets us spend quite a while with every bit of our most private of body parts under close examination and scrutiny of each other in a very compromising position.  It also turns us both on tremendously and leads immediately to intense, frantic lovemaking.  We've made the "problem" of how to deal with pubic hair an instance of turning lemons into lemonade.
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