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Played With Yourself Lately?
  • Vote Up1Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor
    Alright, this thread was brought about by @tempest_driver! Recently, (just last night) I had an amazing break through when I masturbated, and I squirted for the first time.

    So if any woman would like to write down a play by play of their duly noted sessions, by all means please speak up. I feel like this will help other women get in touch with their bodies and learn new tricks so they feel more confident in their unique sexual appetites.

    If anyone would like to know how I was able to squirt, I'm willing to "try" answer. Also you can find my play by play in the WoW! General Discussion Thread

    What To Expect In This Thread:

    • Questions on masturbation, squirting, and creaming
    • A Play by Play of recent masturbation/sexual sessions (mention your setting and state of mind such as extremely horny or just out of blue boredom)
    • Tips on Sexual Acts
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2012-04-30 14:32:22
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
  • 56 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member


    This thread is a great idea!!  I can't wait to see some of the responses.



    Thanked by 1Eva
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    I agree, I predict that you will not only achieve your intended goal, but that this thread will prove to be really sexy
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member Accepted Answer
    In my experience, most women have no idea that they can cum over and over and over again, given a little proper stimulation and excitement.  May I suggest that along with Eva's request we include the number of time you manage to cum in one session??  I assure you ladies, that there is almost no limit, other than your physical strength to keep at it.  Most will just stop after the first cum.  Try just continuing on through it, directly into the next one, and so on.  See just how far you can go.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor
    @mrmarquis Now that I think about it I usually do stop at one orgasm when I play with myself. But I have to say after my recent session of 2 orgasms and a good squirt to finish I'm never going back to the "one time only" thing.

    I have to say the actions just kept my tingling from that night to the wee hours in the morning, and I was still nice and wet. That's my kind of indulgence...
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member
    Absolutely right Eva.  The thing is, you can continue and cum as many times as you wish.  Women have a real lock on that ability!!  LOL.  My g/f's record is 35 in one session.  Absolutely divine!!!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down lovelyjlovelyj
    11.62 Karma Points [?]Message lovelyjPosts: 44Member
    There times me and my bestie will have a sesh together. Double end dildo fun with squirting or just have sex. :) foreplay with eachothers pussies to tease men.
    I uqsed to masterbate quite alot since I was young.
    Waterplay used to be my fav. Or some type of estim type of thingy <3<br />
    Cyber sex is dead.. of course...after I turned 22 it was whatevers. Lol

    Yes I was ur typical jb.. but was alwasie with girls mostly :)))

    Tips ? Uhm. Public sex :) torture ?? <333<br />
    :3 Starting fresh
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member


    Sounds just beautiful to me.  Waterplay can be a lot of fun!!


  • Vote Up0Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor
    @mrmarquis 35 times!! That's unimaginable...
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down AgathaAgatha
    41.21 Karma Points [?]Message AgathaPosts: 188Member
    wow - 35 times - very impressive!!

    Guys I would love to know what you like.  What do you think of Lingam massage / prostrate massage (either externally or internally). Is this something you like having done and what does it feel like in comparison?
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member
    Just to clarify, Agatha, that 35 was over the course of the day, and I finally felt I had to stop her and make her rest.  I'm sure it would have been physically posible for her to continue, but I became concerned about dehydration, among other things.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    I must admit that when I saw the number 35 my mind went even deeper into the gutter. I've done orgasm denial before, and it's always lots of fun. But I've never done forced orgasm, and its always intrigued me.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member


    I assure you, it's great fun!!  Women can cum endlessly.  As I said, most women in my experience simply have no concept of what their body is truly capable of doing for them.  When you find a woman who either fully knows what she can do, or is willing to experiment to the fullest extent, it's a really fabulous experience.

  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    I can only imagine. I can't wait until I have the chance to tie my lovely wife up and bring her off over and over until her stomach muscles cramp up.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down AgathaAgatha
    41.21 Karma Points [?]Message AgathaPosts: 188Member
    @mrmarquis - my mind has really got going with the 35. I love having multiple multiple orgasms but I have yet to reach the dizzy heights of 35. There is a really fabulous womens erotic shop in London (sh) where you can browse at leisure at the lovely merchandise and chat to the lovely and knowledgeable ladies whilst drinking tea. They do a lot of fun classes so I will go to the orgasmic erotic class - and see if I can learn something new ;)
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member


    I'm so glad to hear that having many multiples has grabbed your interest.  What's needed is the willingness to simply continue playing after your first orgasm, or your second, continue, and continue.  After a short while, you'll simply go from one orgasm into the next, cum after cum after cum.  Most people want to stop after one or two, simply because they get tired.  However, if you and your partner can find the determination to continue, you can pop off for hours.  All it requires is constant stimulation of various types.  Think of what TD had to say regarding his g/f being tied up while he works her over for a few hours!!!

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