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Introducing Anna I Is an amazing shoot!!! I think size wise she is even bigger and more dangly than Honey! Great use of light to catch the wonderful texture of her lips too. I cant wait to see more.
Anna...Kelly...Honey...these are AMAZING women with exquisite pussies and I have to you ever need help with any of your work? Like, is it tough carrying all of your camera equipment...or positioning the props for shoots? Maybe rearranging the lighting? I just want to help...a LOT...I'm just sayin...:-) You're a very fortunate fellow!
277.14 Karma Points [?]Message himuPosts: 1,727Senior Member
wow... @PaulMApphart what a wonderful present you have brought us.. thanks a lot man... You have found another Gem... Anna has awesome labia ... she's very similar to Honey... I am sure you have measured her :D let's have it...
I can hardly imagine having the pleasure of playing with her!! How fabulous!!! I've been thinking about whether I could get all of those gorgeous labia into my mouth at once, or not.
277.14 Karma Points [?]Message himuPosts: 1,727Senior Member
We are all very glad you found her @PaulMApphart ... we are happy to encourage you more on your quest for finding new large labia ... going where none of us have gone before ;)
277.14 Karma Points [?]Message himuPosts: 1,727Senior Member
wow! excellent Paul... I just in love with Ann's "Au Natural" state.... A natural state of long labia has been always my favorite state than any other like pulled or spread... thanks again for the resent set ... 8->