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Why is a woman that shares her beauty with us men, the way we like often called a dirty whore?
  • Vote Up1Vote Down MontanaMontana
    331.24 Karma Points [?]Message MontanaPosts: 2,413Senior Member
    Hi Folks, when I am surving on the net, and I see a beautiful shoot, I often read Dirty Whore... blabla. Its so crude and disrespectfull to the lady or girl that shares her beauty in a shoot the way we, men, love to see. When I see a lovely shoot I am so gratefull the girl or lady shares this with us. Don't you think that's a very bad habit too. Why are men like us doing things like this. When someone call a girl a dirty whore... why do they look? THANKS LADIES TO SHARE YOUR BEAUTY WITH US! Montana
    X( X( :D :D :x @};-
    Thanked by 1sgtbert
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up1Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member Accepted Answer
    I agree with you @Montana, this is a very bad thing to do to these lovely ladies. I think this is a combination of a few different things.
    First, I think you have women who for whatever reason think other people should be interested in women for their minds, and women who show off their bodies are therefore part of the problem. to these ladies I can only say, if that's how you think, you have have little that interests me beyond your looks. I'm a guy, and I like to look at tits and ass, I make no apologies for this, but don't kid yourselves, once you have my attention, you have to keep it, and you need an attractive mind, something that those spewing this vile hatred lack.
    the second group I think is guilty of this is people who are only happy hurting others. And to these people, women who are as happy letting us look as we are looking are just an easy target. I truly wish these people would concentrate on un-fucking whatever it is that has made them so unhappy, and leave the rest of us alone.
    The last group is people who are convinced that showing and looking is immoral, but just can't help looking anyway. but instead of fixing the morality issue in their own head, or getting a little discipline, and not going where they think they ought not to be, they attack the women...because it's the woman's fault they were looking right? I just wish these hypocrites would go away.
    And if the woman actually is a dirty whore, and isn't trying to convince herself otherwise, then such words can't be used to hurt her. And I'm ok with that too, I truly dig women who are a little on the trashy side, and besides, sluts need love too.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down sgtbertsgtbert
    270.16 Karma Points [?]Message sgtbertPosts: 1,057Senior Member Accepted Answer

    Very well put @Montana & @tempest_driver .

    I would like to add that I belive we all need LOVE & I am not talking about sex .

    For me a smile is big time Attractive !!!

    May be she is missing a Tooth or has a deformed lip & her nose is crooked , if she has a Smile , that is good for me . For me Love & Sex are not the same . It is easier for me to have Sex with a woman that I do not love .


    Yes I did get off of the subject .

    I do Love People & I Care about them deeply & I with I could Love all of there hurts & pains out of them .

    Yes Sex is fun only when she is also enjoying it .

    Thank You for the good talks .

    Bert :-}

    Thanked by 1Montana
  • Vote Up1Vote Down MontanaMontana
    331.24 Karma Points [?]Message MontanaPosts: 2,413Senior Member
    Thank you @tempest_driver and @sgtbert! Once I had a model agency and for every insecure model I did a special selfconfidence shoot, just to let them see their own beauty and I was always so happy to see that when a girl feels accepted, secure and free, she is even more beautiful in every set. I always have a compliment card in my pocket and when I am astonished by the beauty of a woman I give her the card which says "You are breathtaking, thank you for your contribution to beauty. No woman ever was affended, they appreciated it and we had some very nice talks... Just that, not a seduction trick, but an appreciation that a woman shares her beauty and makes me happy to look at it. People calling women who feel free to share their beauty to see, are for me gifts from nature and not dirty whores. Anyway beauty is different for all of us. We love the large labia here, I love slim too, but I know from experience a lot of Africans get crazy when their woman is big with a huge ass. So let's all appreciate what we like, and respect and know that what we don't like, is beauty for others. 
    :D :D :D
    Thanked by 1sgtbert
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