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How Long and When Did You Become Obssessed With Large Labia
  • Vote Up1Vote Down yerlyerl
    3.13 Karma Points [?]Message yerlPosts: 13Member
    I have been totally obsessed with large labia since the age of 17 not quite 50 years ago after a trip to Sweden the first porn book I bought had a blond of course squatting with enormous dangling lips that pic burned its way into my retina.

    Over the years I collected the Magazine 'Lips' but once the internet came along i have downloaded 1000's of pics of girls with Hypertrophic Labia.

    To me there is nothing more beautiful in the world than a woman's vulva and the beauty of large labia.
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2013-02-26 09:31:47
    Thanked by 3xxl4skin sgtbert himu
  • 11 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down sgtbertsgtbert
    270.16 Karma Points [?]Message sgtbertPosts: 1,057Senior Member Accepted Answer

    Age 14 & I do not remember the name of the magazine .

    It was not play boy or pent house .

    I have found over the years that Women with labia are more fun for me & enjoyable for me when performing  oral sex .

    I do so much like Large Labia & a smile too .

    If she is not happy , it is a big turn off for me .

    Bert :-}

  • Vote Up0Vote Down xxl4skinxxl4skin
    160.91 Karma Points [?]Message xxl4skinPosts: 1,270Senior Member Accepted Answer
    I was 12 and i see a Girl was stretch her Pussylips in a Magazin from my Father ;-) . This Time start up my Fetish....
    long stretching is sexy
  • Vote Up0Vote Down phoundphound
    2.22 Karma Points [?]Message phoundPosts: 19Member Accepted Answer
    i don't remember exactly how old i was but when i first saw dominika c, i had to see more. it' all her
  • Vote Up0Vote Down krisfoenkrisfoen
    23.96 Karma Points [?]Message krisfoenPosts: 70Member Accepted Answer
    Must have been about 18 or 19 when I first saw pics of larger labia in porn mags, and was obsessed since! I too remember the American porn mag called Lipps. Some amazing pussies in there! Wonder if anyone had the full collection of that - should be a collectors item!
  • Vote Up1Vote Down MontanaMontana
    331.24 Karma Points [?]Message MontanaPosts: 2,413Senior Member Accepted Answer
    When I was 17 we had a sexy neighbour who was taking a sunbath in the garden. I looked at her from my room upstairs where I was doing my homework. She saw me and winked at me with her finger so I went downstairs to her garden. She offered me a drink inside, she was 35 I think and had very sexy legs. She asked me if I liked them and offered me to kiss them, which I did. Then she put her underwear aside and showed me a beautiful meaty pussy, the first one I saw. I took her lips in my mouth, good lord she was delicious so I ate her until she came. She loved it and for two years that came, after school, I often spend time between her legs, making her cum and devouring her lips. She never let me do more than devouring her because she didn't want to be unfaithful to her husband who was always working, but good lord it was delicious so I never gave any compain but served her greedily and came in my pants haha. When I went to university and found a room near college, it stopped, but every time I visited my parents she gave me a bright loving smile, which made me hungry immediately. But what do you do with my parents around and her husband at home. I never forget the beauty, the flavour of her love rose and when I think of her I have taste again. Thankfully life gave me beautiful girlfriends with amazing sey pussies. You ladies have an amazing delight down there.  
    :D :\">
    Thanked by 3sgtbert himu LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down himuhimu
    277.14 Karma Points [?]Message himuPosts: 1,727Senior Member
    like @phound mentioned i also don't remember exactly when i became addicted to long labia but Dominika C surely sealed it ... and yes it' all her fault... and we love her for it ;)  :x :-*
    Long Labia Lover -> Checkout some of my Threads below:
    Artistic & Erotic | Dominika | Andie | Carmen | Sofi A | Faye | Voluptuous Ladies | Slim & Sexy Ladies
    Thanked by 2Montana LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down MontanaMontana
    331.24 Karma Points [?]Message MontanaPosts: 2,413Senior Member
    Well @cory51, KEEP SUCKING THEN, I am sure she will have a delicious reward for that
  • Vote Up1Vote Down JuicyrubyJuicyruby
    11.29 Karma Points [?]Message JuicyrubyPosts: 12Member Accepted Answer
    I've always loved the feel and look of my lips and when I was young I assumed all women had a pussy like I did.......I found out that this was not the case. I looked at the women in porn mags and found myself disappointed when they had a small thin barely there just didn't turn me on.  
    Maybe I'm hardwired to like what's  familiar :)  
    Once you've had a mouthful  of succulent you want more.

    Thanked by 2sgtbert himu
  • Vote Up0Vote Down sgtbertsgtbert
    270.16 Karma Points [?]Message sgtbertPosts: 1,057Senior Member

    @ Juicyruby I have to agree with You !!!

    " Once you've had a mouthful  of succulent you want more. "

    Your Avatar is very nice !!!

    Bert :-}

  • Vote Up0Vote Down himuhimu
    277.14 Karma Points [?]Message himuPosts: 1,727Senior Member
    I like the way you think @Juicyruby :x
    Juicyruby said:

    I've always loved the feel and look of my lips and when I was young I assumed all women had a pussy like I did.......I found out that this was not the case. I looked at the women in porn mags and found myself disappointed when they had a small thin barely there just didn't turn me on.  

    Maybe I'm hardwired to like what's  familiar :)  
    Once you've had a mouthful  of succulent you want more.
    Long Labia Lover -> Checkout some of my Threads below:
    Artistic & Erotic | Dominika | Andie | Carmen | Sofi A | Faye | Voluptuous Ladies | Slim & Sexy Ladies
    Thanked by 1Juicyruby
  • Vote Up0Vote Down CornballCornball
    32.14 Karma Points [?]Message CornballPosts: 69Her Flower Moderator Accepted Answer
    Interestingly enough, I was quit young.  My mother was going to a house party and couldnt find a baby sitter, so she brought my brother and me along and put us to sleep in the owners room.  Well needless to say, at 5 and 7 we did anything but sleep.  So as we snooped through his stuff we came across some VHS titles that we were not familiar with.  Being kids, we eagerly stuck them inside of the VCR.  Now, at the time the moment was rather insignificant since I had no f'ing clue what the hell I was watching and couldnt understand why this guy was using his "wee wee" that way; little did I know this single moment would shape my deepest desires for the remainder of my life.  It was a classic 1970's style porno, I can remember the girl had curly brunette hair and was wearing a baby blue ascot and a garter.  She donned tan lines that only children of the 60's fully appreciate and a bush that would give G.W. a run for office.  This particular actress (and for the life of me I can not find out who she is or which porno this was, so if anybody has a clue, I would be eternally grateful to find this piece of my child hood again) was sitting on a couch and spread her legs, toes pointed; for minutes the camera focused in on her beautiful labia which she proceeded to pull, tug, and stretch.  Moments later the male talent walks in and continue to pull on her succulent flesh drapes ass he penetrates her.  As I said, the moment was insignificant at the time, but every cause has an effect, and like a butterfly, lets add up the effect this butterfly moment has had:

    Sexaholic: check (have been to SA)
    foot fetish: check
    bush fetish: check
    classic porn fetish: check
    tan line fetish: check
    large labia fetish: check
    brunettes: check
    ascot fetish: check (no, I dont masturbate with an ascot, but if a girl has one on in a photo/video....BOOM)
    freckle fetish: check
    garter fetish: check (see ascot fetish)

    Aside from my fetishes, a lot of my photography style is reminiscent of the 1970's playboy/porn style.

    A bit long winded, but that when I, unknowingly, became obsessed with large labia.
    Thanked by 2himu LabiaLover
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