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What sexy thoughts hide behind your smile?
  • So, you are in public, at work, wherever, and a stranger passes by. You smile at them, but what sexy thing are you thinking?

    I'll start ...

    To the stressed out looking man in line at the cafeteria, I think "Oh, I hope you get a nice blow job soon!"

    To the tight butt, chiseled jaw, short man I always pass in the parking lot "You are the perfect height to 69 with us petite gals!"

    Okay, your turn ;)
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2012-03-16 13:30:22
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • 29 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator Accepted Answer
    Gosh. . .don't even get me started here.

    So many thoughts go through my mind when I smile at a woman (I don't smile at men, unless it's just a casual "wave" to say what's up) -- and if she smiles back at me. . .

    So yeah, typically when I smile at a woman. . .it's because she smiled at me, or because I'm being courteous and typically that isn't a wide cheesy smile.

    Now if I smile at a woman intentionally as I pass her by somewhere (grocery store, etc), and it's a wide-teethy-cheesy smile, it's because I think she's hot.

    The other day I was at the gas station, and saw a female police officer.  She had her hair in a bun (love when women put their hair in a bun, it drives me crazy), and was walking in (I guess to buy something) while I was pumping gas, and leaning against my car, and she caught my eye because she was such a cutie.  Well, I gave her the biggest grin, and she smiled right back, and actually started to giggle a little.  It was cute I thought.  I think she knew that she had caught my eye.

    When she came back out, she waved and said: "Take care" and smiled at me again, so I'm pretty sure she knew I was checking her out.

    So smiles. . .they definitely do it for me. Even when you ladies send me pics to post on the site, I usually reply back, and ask for a pic with a smile. . .that's the reason.

    The only thing sexier to me than a nice pic of your juicy pussy, is a nice pic showing off your pretty smile.

    That really does do it for me.  I absolutely love to see a woman smile.

    But not the half-assed smile, like you don't mean it.  The real cheesy-teethy ones! :D
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
  • Lol, @ half-assed smile!! I know they're beaming on the inside if they're looking at you, babe! You just wanted her to undo that hairbun and put her other buns in the air for you ;)
    Your story reminded me of meeting my husband's co-worker last Friday. We were at a wedding for one of their other co-workers. Single co-worker walks up to the table and I am the only one there at the moment. I stand and extend my hand and introduce myself in my usual girl next door friendly way - no joke, he smiled, giggled a little and blushed. Later in the night he got all fumbly when trying to take our picture. Now THAT was a nice complement :)
    I looked good, can't even pretend to be humble! And if I am misinterpreting his behavior, please don't tell me - sometimes ignorance is bliss!! Back to the topic of the thread, once I realized his reaction, I smiled and my secret thought was, "Yes, I DO rock his world, thanks for noticing" ;)
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down italyjsitalyjs
    17.11 Karma Points [?]Message italyjsPosts: 31Member Accepted Answer
    Im a shy one out in public...but I see this one guy running around my neighborhood and he is absolutely a GOD! I know in a million years I would never have a chance. I definitely smile at this one everytime I see him and think "If he only knew how great I can suck cock" mmmmm fantasies are great to have >:)
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • italyjs said:

    Im a shy one out in public...but I see this one guy running around my neighborhood and he is absolutely a GOD! I know in a million years I would never have a chance. I definitely smile at this one everytime I see him and think "If he only knew how great I can suck cock" mmmmm fantasies are great to have >:)

    Love it @italyjs!! I often think that if the boyfriends I was just learning on could experience me now, they would turn right back into tongue-tied college kids ;)
    Now why so negative about having a chance with him ?
  • Vote Up0Vote Down italyjsitalyjs
    17.11 Karma Points [?]Message italyjsPosts: 31Member
    Kitty77 this is a stud muffin and Im not model. Just a regular girl. He does smile back though. Now that I think about it and this whole conversation...maybe hes thinking a lil dirty too..ahhhhh I can only hope
    Thanked by 1[Deleted User]
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    @italyjs, I dare you to throw your line out to this guy, unless he's committed, or gay, I guarantee this guy will finish his workouts between your thighs.

    what am I thinking behind my smile?

    To the guys at work-My woman's hotter than yours.

    To the ladies here-I wanna make you scream.

    To the guys here-We should team up and make these sexy ladies scream.

    Enough for now.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down italyjsitalyjs
    17.11 Karma Points [?]Message italyjsPosts: 31Member
    Not enough! Let's do this. Let's get all these beautiful labias and wonderful cocks together :)
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    You have no idea how tempting that is. But alas, Mrs. driver would frown on the idea
  • italyjs said:

    Kitty77 this is a stud muffin and Im not model. Just a regular girl. He does smile back though. Now that I think about it and this whole conversation...maybe hes thinking a lil dirty too..ahhhhh I can only hope

    Now that's the spirit! I think tempest_driver has the right idea about this stud muffin!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor Accepted Answer
    Ive been thinking we should all meet up for like coffee or dinner and chat. Maybe just maybe...
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor Accepted Answer
    Onto the thread: what am I really saying in my smile? Well depends on the person. Ive always been taught to be polite and consider other peoples feelings yata yata yata but this is the real me...

    If you're one of those nagging, dimwitted, spacey women who for some reason continues to keep a thread of companionship with you get the blinking and slow grin. With the speed of my lips I'm saying, "Wwwwhhhaaaatt??"

    On the other hand if you're a middle aged man with a rugged beard coming in and have some thick fingers, I'm sucking in my bottom lip and giving a perky smile. It's just something about thick digits that's turn me on. The idea of them spreading me open and extending my walls makes me all tingly!!

    Now if you're a young buck lean and bright eyed, you're getting a full tooth grin and my high cheekbones. Abs are my kryptonite along with strong legs, a nice jaw structure, and sensual back. Ladie, you know what I'm talking about!! Men that look like I can climb on top and ride them get all the pearly whites.
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down lovelyjlovelyj
    11.62 Karma Points [?]Message lovelyjPosts: 44Member Accepted Answer
    prolly something peverted. i don't alwasie smile unless the person is pretty <3 or two pervs
    :3 Starting fresh
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    italyjs said:

    Kitty77 this is a stud muffin and Im not model. Just a regular girl. He does smile back though. Now that I think about it and this whole conversation...maybe hes thinking a lil dirty too..ahhhhh I can only hope


    You must forget you sent me a face pic. . .

    You clearly do not give yourself enough credit.

    You have a pretty smile, some nice lips, and GORGEOUS eyes. . . :X

    Do I need to start a site called too?? ;))

    If you smiled at me the way you smile at this dude you're talking about, you'd be in for a surprise, because I'm the guy that would walk up to you and start talking to you.

    I'm not saying this to brag, but my friends, and even some of my family members (guy cousins and stuff) always tell me how much they envy me, because I could care less whether a woman is drop-dead gorgeous or "un-approachable" as they put it.  I'm the one who walks up and starts talking.

    Ironically. . .it's most of the ones who are considered "un-approachable" either because they are "too pretty" (is there really such a thing) or "look like they might have a boyfriend" (I kid you not, that's an actual quote from one of my cousins to which my response was: "So what exactly does a girl who has a boyfriend look like??"  And he motioned with his head at the woman neither him or one of our friends would talk to and said: "Like that.").

    I remember one time (this was around maybe 3 years ago) my cousin and and two of our friends were out together at a club in Philadelphia and there was a chick (really sexy. . .carmel complexion, with tight jeans that flared at the bottom, a cute little white shirt that said: "I'm with stupid" on it [I remember details of things very distinctly when it comes to women in case you can't tell], she had long curly hair, and some sexy white heels on) and she was dancing with a female friend and of course we all noticed her because she was very sexy.

    The usual conversation ensued, but this time, one of our friends said: "Well you're the fearless one.  Go ahead and talk to her."

    So I did. . .I walked right up to her and said: "This is going to sound really cheesy, but I think you're hot, and I'd like to talk to you a little and maybe buy you and your friend a drink if that's ok with you.  What do you like??"

    Her response: "That's really sweet of you.  You're pretty good looking yourself.  Maybe I should be buying you a drink."

    Yes, I'm serious!!

    I just laughed, and then I asked her if it would be okay if I hold her hand to lead her to the bar so we could talk a little bit, and she said, yes.

    Now of course, the bar was across from where the guys were standing, so I could see them all laughing and snickering about how I ended up holding this sexy girl's hand in less than 2 minutes time.

    End result. . .I got her number, we talked for awhile, but nothing really came out of it immediately, but about a month later, I called her again (we had spoken briefly on the phone a few times through the month, and through texting), and she asked me if I wanted to come over and said she was having a get together with the same friend that I had met with her that night at the club and a few other folks. I said sure.

    Well long story short, we ended up sitting on a recliner together. . .I was already sitting in it, and she came and sat on my lap after smoking a joint with some of the other folks (I don't smoke personally -- gave that up about 8 years ago) and asked me if I wanted to come with her for a quick drive to the store.

    I of course said sure.  Well, we got the store went in, she bought some white owl cigars (to smoke more weed in), and we walked back out to her car.  Well when we got to the car, she started the car, and put it into reverse to back out, and then she gave me this quick look, and put the car back in park, and then asked me the craziest question I've ever been asked by a woman: "So what's your deal?  Are you attracted to me?" LOL!

    I said: "Yeah, are you kidding me?" to which her response was: "So then why haven't you tried to anything?"

    I said: "Well, I wanna do things, but I'm just being easy. . .my usual self.  I'm just laid back naturally."

    And she replied back: "Well, if you're so laid back, how about you lay back in that seat right now, and let me ride your dick."

    I probably had a retarded look on my face I'm sure because I was shocked.

    In any case, she leaned over and we started kissing each other.. ..I lifted her from her seat, and pulled her to my seat -- after some heavy grinding, I started to unbutton her jeans (she had those jeans that have a buttonfly too, what a PAIN IN THE ASS those were), and pushed them down to find she wasn't wearing any panties and had the cutest little "race strip" pussy.  So I pushed her back against the dashboard, and put her legs on my shoulders and started licking her pussy.  She was one of those women who breathes loud, and after a little bit, the car windows started to fog up, so I turned on the air conditioning, even though it was already a pretty cool night.  After licking her for a bit, I was really sucking on her clit hard too and letting it snap against her when I let it go. . .and everytime I did she would flinch, so I asked her if I was hurting her, and she said, no it feels good, keep doing that.  So after a bit, she came really hard, and started to thrust her hips into my face and her breathing turned into a high-pitched moan almost.  Then I thought she was gonna ride my cock at this point. . .no go.  She pulled her pants up, and said: "I'm sorry I didn't ride you.  I still want to though, but let's go back."

    When we got back, before we walked back into the apartment, she said just go straight down the hall, and go through the the door across from the bathroom, that's my bedroom. . .I said: "Ok."

    So we walked in, and I went back like she said, and I heard her talking to some of the other folks and stuff, and then I heard her coming toward the bedroom.

    She opened the door, and I was sitting on her bed, still clothed. . .before I could even say anything, she closed the door, and turned the lock, and then came right over to me and said: "Take your pants off" which I did, and she sat right between my legs and gave me the most amazing blowjob I ever had in my life (up to that point anyway), then she suddenly stopped and looked at me and said: "You're not gonna cum are you?"  and I said: "If you keep doing that I will!"  So she stopped, pulled her pants down, and pulled her shirt off, and started to undo her bra, and then she pushed me back on the bed, and walked to the side of the bed and walked over to her closet, and reached up on the shelf for something, and walked back over (it was a condom), and she rolled it down on my cock, and then climbed on top of me, and guided my cock inside her. . .god it was heaven. . .especially because I was so damn horny at that point too!

    She rode me WELL.  She grinded her hips, and kept breathing loudly (hard to describe the way she was breathing) and she rode me, and then she stopped, and said come fuck me doggystyle, so I jumped off the bed, and she got on the edge of the bed (the edge where the two corners meet, which was REALLY good, because I knew it would allow me maximum penetration!!!!!!).  I started to pound her from behind, and after awhile, she started to say don't stop.  Within a few minutes, she said you're gonna me cum, and she started to breath heavier again (by her breathing it became obvious when she was about to cum) and initially she had her face down in the bed, but after she came, she propped herself up on her hands, and grabbed the bedspread and started to push against me hard, and started saying fuck me hard baby.

    Right when I was about to cum, and I said you're gonna make me cum, she said pound my pussy baby and give me that cum (like music to my ears) -- Well, it didn't take much longer for me to cum after that!! LOL!

    After I came, she rolled over onto her back, and said: "So a little cheesy pickup line just got you fucked real good, not bad!" and we both starting laughing about it.

    The rest of the night went like that too, we fucked probably 3-4 times that night before I left, with her kissing me on the lips on my way out. . .she said don't let your girl find out!  I said, what makes you think I have a girl.  She said well you're a cutie, so I expect you to have a girl.  And I told her I was single.  She just laughed and said ok, well call me when you can baby.

    I told my cousin about the experience, and he said: "How do you do shit like that??"

    He said: "You always snag the baddest bitches!" LOL!! :P

    I remember most of my sexual experiences in detail too, so it helped later when I went back to explain to him what happened. :D
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2012-03-18 13:15:19
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator
    Eva said:

    Ive been thinking we should all meet up for like coffee or dinner and chat. Maybe just maybe...


    You know something like this was proposed on the sister site, but it quickly fizzled out.

    I'd be game for something like that, but we'd need to find a venue that is somewhat central to most of our members here in order to maximize attendance I'm thinking. ;)

    But just imagine. . .a bunch of guys walking around knowing that every woman they see is endowed very well, and you ladies. . .we'll you'd have your pick of the litter really because you'd all know every man there would jump at the opportunity to have his head between your legs wrapped up tighter than a nun's asshole. LOL! =))

    Seriously though. . .I think it's a good idea, and would help to organize one if you'd like to help me make it happen. ;)
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2012-03-18 13:20:52
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor
    @LabiaLover I just had an even better idea! We should have a sexylabia reunion, like a class reunion for a high school.
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
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