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  • Vote Up1Vote Down hugelabiahugelabia
    0.01 Karma Points [?]Message hugelabiaPosts: 2Member
    Hi everyone.  I'm new to this forum and just wanted to introduce myself.  And sorry in advance of the long story, but I feel this is the best way to explain why I am the way I am and why I have a love / hate relationship with my pussy!

    I'm 41 and married to a wonderful man - and I have, what I consider, to be huge labia.  We have been together for almost 9 years now and I love him to bits.  However, our sex life is a little lacking.  Don't get me wrong, he adores me and would actually do anything for me, but it's all me.  I respect him too much to really let go with him.  Weird, hey?  So here's why I think that is...

    I started masturbating at around 12.  I didn't even really know what it was, but knew that I shouldn't talk about it with anyone.  I just knew it was wrong.  I had VERY strict parents and went to an all girls high school and so didn't have any day to day interaction with boys and certainly didn't date.  When I was 17, I started hitting the clubs with a friend and started having sex with strange men.  You have to know that it was impossible for me to date any guys for fear of my parents and so the sneaking out ant fucking strangers was the only way I knew to get what I really wanted.  

    The first time I had sex was with a black guy who said he was 35 - he was in town for business, so we went to his hotel. I told him I was 21, but I think he knew differently (it was Halloween and I was wearing my high school uniform - haha - not exactly subtle!!) and didn't care.  Anyway, it was amazing, but I felt such shame.  I had to sneak out and get home before my parents knew I was gone.  

    Well that just started a tidal wave of sex with men / boys.  Let's just say I did it anywhere with practically anyone.  God, the stories I could tell.  I had a lot of guys want to date, but for me, once I had sex with them, that's all they were good for.  I didn't want to "know" them, because that would make them real and then I couldn't have the "shame" attached to sex that made it all that it was.  I guess, for me, the shame was part of the whole experience.  So I just fucked guys - lots just once and quite a few on a semi-regular basis.

    My sex drive was huge and my labia were never an issue or even a thought in my head all this time!  

    In university, at 21, I fell in love with one of my best friends.  I had never been in love before and it was an intense and powerful relationship.  We fucked like maniacs - the sexual chemistry was amazing.  But I guess, because I had never been in ANY relationship, let alone been in love, it was too much for him.  He wasn't ready for anything that serious and he broke my heart by cheating on me.  

    So back to fucking anything that would let me.  And of course, over the next 8 years, fucking my ex too.  I moved, he moved to the same city.  It was coincidence, but kind of cemented the fact that I "believed" we belonged together and if I only waited long enough, he would realize that.  Hahahahaha....what an idiot.  All those times, he had girlfriends.  He just wanted to be "friends".  It took me a long time to figure out I deserved better than that, but by then, I had had sex with well over 100 guys and sex was so much the opposite of love, that I haven't been able to bring the two together.

    And then came the internet.  I have always had a bit of a crush on women (and even had a few encounters) and was able to now see their beauty up close and personal....and none of them looked like me.  They all had what I call the "hot dog bun".  The more I searched, the more I started to feel weird and damaged.  The more I started to remember comments over the years referring to my labia.  A nurse trying to put in a catheter (car accident - long story) saying - wow, you're really swollen!  A guy going down on me saying - you don't look like other women.  And this all started a massive fear that I was a freak and I stopped letting guys go down on me.  I was so EMBARRASSED!!!!  

    I stumbled upon an article on labia reduction and became obsessed.  But at the same time, I read several articles that women with large labia were more sexual - some theory that there is more sensation or something like that.  I asked my ex what he thought and his comment was - I always thought you were super-hot and any guy that loves you won't care.  So while the first part of his statement was nice, the second part made me feel like I was something to be tolerated.  Like - I wouldn't care that the man I loved had a teeny penis because I loved him.  Sigh.

    So I continued to feel worse and worse about myself and this led to me even further separate sex and love.  And then I met my husband.  He is amazing and, like I said, adores me.  I've shared everything with him - my feelings on sex vs. love, my hatred of how my pussy looks, etc. - and he still loves me.  I'm sure he wants more sexually too - actually, I know he does.  I know he thinks I'm super-sexy, and says he loves my pussy, but still I resist.  I just can't let him in.  And to make it worse, I've cheated on him several times - just to get the kind of sex that I cannot let myself have with him.  Sigh.

    In the last year or so I discovered and was blown away by the pictures and comments.  Over time, I think I've started to accept myself, but it's a work in progress (aren't we all??).  And that's why I'm here.  I want to be part of a community in which I feel safe and accepted - okay, not accepted, but embraced!  

    I'm not sure I'm ready to post any pictures yet (and will never post any of my face - so don't even ask please), but am thinking about it.  

    And I guess that's me.  So hello and I hope that being part of this group will help me in my journey!

    Thanked by 1himu
  • 11 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down CornballCornball
    32.14 Karma Points [?]Message CornballPosts: 69Her Flower Moderator
    Welcome, I am sure the community will be kind, and I hope you can find more of what you are looking for here :).
    Post edited by Cornball at 2012-03-18 11:13:15
  • Oh, welcome!! I can really relate to your story. I am almost 35, very happily married to an awesome man. For fear of an unplanned pregnancy, I didn't have intercourse until I was 24, but did I give a lot of blow jobs, ugh. I grew to love the distance it kept, allowing me to be in control, unexposed myself. And the sex/love thing is a hot topic for me, always has been. There is so much whirling in my mind to share with you. I guess the most important thing is that by being here, I have been getting more comfortable sharing my needs with my husband. I knew I was headed in a bad direction for myself when old flings kept popping into my mind. I never acted on the feelings, but understand what brings a person to that point. Talking here and talking with hubby has been fabulous - best sex of our 8 years together, and we have an infant making our special times tough to schedule. We can now do things we never did before. Talking dirty, taking pictures, looking at erotica, sharing fantasies. I could go on and on! Suffice it to say, I am so glad you found this community. I sooo need someone like me to talk to. I think you will find a lot of great folks on here like I did. My husband and I are living proof that within a loving happy respectful marriage, good old hot and horny fucking is possible!
  • @Labialover, could you merge these two duplicate threads? Thanks :)
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    Threads have been merged honey.


    Welcome.  Glad you found us.  You're about to discover things about yourself that perhaps you never knew existed prior.  That's what this community is all about -- it's the one place you can come, and feel no pressure, and be ultimately confident in knowing that the people here are either just like (most of our female members), and accept you as are, and find your labia to be very attracive (most of our male members).

    Having had sex with over 120+ women myself, I can totally understand where you're coming from, except for me, the biggest difference is that I didn't feel bad about it afterwards as you did.  My parents were very liberal with me, and my Dad and I had the "talk" very early on. . .heck my mom even gave me condoms to make sure that "I didn't bring home some girl pregnant" as she put it.

    I think your upbringing has a lot to do with it (interesting how when our parents try to stop us from doing something we do it even more, and take it to the extreme sometimes).

    But in any case, we're here to help, and will definitely embrace you, and any issues that you might think you have, and offer some information where possible to help you come to understanding about yourself, your husband, and your sexuality.

    Now, I will be honest in telling you that I'm not surprised you cheated on your husband to get what you wanted, while I don't condone it, I can totally understand why it occurred in the first place.

    I'll be frank here in stating that I don't believe in monogamy in the first place, and my current girlfriend and I agree on this, which is why our relationship is amazing both sexually, and emotionally with one another.

    She knows I need a new pussy from time to time, even though I completely enjoy sex with her, and I know she needs a new cock from time to time even though she enjoys sex with me.

    Although I don't believe in monogamy, I do believe in complete and forthcoming honesty, all the time, and every time -- without exception.

    That said, I think you're on the right track in being honest with your husband about your feelings, and I think you need to continue down that path. . .for most of us, especially women, sex and love are the same thing, which is where problems arise.

    Men can separate sex and love in a lot of cases, whereas women have a more difficult time with this (based on social stigmata like a woman is a "slut" if she has sex with more than one man, while a man who does the same is a "stud" and other kinds of complete bullshit that render our women into a state of lull about their sexuality and desires).

    I do believe that as human beings, most of us operate on a scale when it comes to sexuality, where the extreme sides of the scales represent people like me on one side, who just cannot be satisfied by one sexual partner forever, and then the other side where people can be satisfied completely with just being with one sexual partner forever.

    Now, I mention this specifically, because it's important to point that while I believe that scale exists, I also believe that a separate scale exists for your emotional bond/attachment to another person.

    I believe that it is perfectly normal to have multiple sexual partners, but be emotionally committed to just one person -- now for most people this would be a hard concept to understand.  But for me it's actually quite simple.

    It wasn't until I actually laid this out for myself, that I was able to later lay it out for women intending to start a relationship with me -- and many of them said "I can't do that" (be with a man who needs to have sex with other women from time-to-time), which I totally and completely understood, because I knew that most women would not be okay with it.  It takes a woman who is very confident in herself, and very secure to accept those kind of facts, and even execute on them herself (requiring the same kind of wherewithall in a man).

    You may be one of these women. . .or you could just be going through a spell. . .but ultimately you'll need to figure this out for yourself (maybe we can help you, but ultimately the decision lies with you).

    Now, the real issue here is that will your husband support your decision if it turns out he disagrees with it?

    The only way to find out is to be perfectly honest with him once you do figure it out - you owe it to him and to yourself to *ALWAYS* be honest about yourself and your feelings as well as your expectations.

    The reason why honesty is so important in a relationship is because it clears the air, and lets the other person know if their expectations are reasonable/unreasonable, etc based on the criteria being presented to them at the time.

    You want to open up to your husband sexually, and "lose" yourself sexually with him, the way so many of your trysts have gone??

    Then you need to first be completely honest with him about what occurred during those sexual experiences you had, and why they were so amazing for you.  It may hurt his feelings in the beginning, but knowing this will either further cement your relationship, and allow you to experience the same kind of sexual heights you've experience with these other men, or it will drive a giant wedge between the two of you and ultimately lead to the demise of your marriage.

    But the question you have to ask youself is. . .

    Is your lifelong happiness worth *NOT* being honest with him??

    And I know it sounds selfish, and it is selfish, and it should be selfish, because you will not be able to love another person, until you first get to a point where you can love yourself enough so that you can be honest about your expectations, and commitments to another person.

    In this world, as far as we know, you live ONCE.  You owe it to yourself to be happy.

    This idea that people have about "sacrificing" and all that is complete bullshit.

    I believe that in a loving, and happy relationship, you may have to "sacrifice" tiny, insignificant things from time to time (like what TV shows to watch when two air at the same time for example), but you should *never* have to sacrifice your own personal happiness in order to make another person happy -- it's a fool's journey and will ultimately lead to you "exploding" one day, and going off the deep-end.

    You should be able to say beyond a reasonable doubt, that you are happy.

    If your sentence becomes, "I'm happy but. . ." or "I'm happy. . .I just wish. . ."

    Then that's how you know, you're *NOT* happy -- and this is why some people end up getting divorced in their 50's and 60's because they spend so much time sacrificing for "the kids" or "their religion" or "their parents" or "until this" or "until that" -- which is all complete bullshit.

    Happiness as a human being is your one true goal in this life - do not let any indoctrinated bullshit created by other people who aren't happy change that goal.

    Anyway. . .point is. . .be honest with your husband, tell him how you feel and how you felt during those sexual experiences, and then assuming he understands, and is able to cope with it (which he may -- you'd be surprised), then you need to take the next step: Allow him to experience you the way you've allowed others to experience you.

    Don't bring "respect" into it. . .and think that you "respect him too much to let go with him" -- it has NOTHING to do with respect.  It's about you.  It's always been about you.  Maybe you feel too embarrassed about it, but that is still a personal thing, and has nothing to do with the respect you have for your husband, you're only frustrating him, and yourself further by making it seem like it has something to do with respect.  We both know it does not.  Find yourself.  Through finding yourself, you'll find the best sex you've ever had with your husband, and you'll either come to the conclusion that amazing experience with him like that will sate your sexual appetite, or they won't.  In either case you need to be honest with him when the outcome does arrive.

    Figure out what you enjoy most about your sexual experiences, and then give him the opportunity to experience you the same way.  . .

    Once you figure out your part, then you need to figure out his part and how it should be involved with you (or not). . .maybe you'll have 3somes from time-to-time, maybe you'll become swingers, or maybe you'll just enjoy a monogamous relationship together.

    The only thing I would tell you is to BE HONEST.

    Don't let religion, your parents, his parents, friends, social stigmata, or anything else influence your decision, and you'll just end up doing what you've been doing, and getting the same results you've been getting.

    The definition of insanity as one person defined it is: "Doing the same thing, and expecting different results each time."

    You want things to change?  Become the change you'd like to see in your relationship. Start with honesty.

    I can tell you these things confidently because for a little part of my life, I was much like you, and ending up "cheating" on women that I was in committed relationships with.  It wasn't until I became honest with myself about my desires, and about what I wanted for myself, that I was finally able to enjoy a relationship with a woman and really have an emotional bond/connection with her like my current girlfriend.

    It wasn't until I stopped giving a shit about other people and their opinions, and held my own opinions and concerns for myself to the highest standard that I was able to live my life finally the way I wanted to live it, and experience the kind of connection you could only have with another person once you've accepted yourself and got into a loving relationship with yourself first!

    Let us know how it goes. . .and of course, we'd welcome seeing pics of your labia. ;)
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2012-03-18 12:37:25
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
    Thanked by 1himu
  • Vote Up0Vote Down AgathaAgatha
    41.21 Karma Points [?]Message AgathaPosts: 188Member
    @hugelabia. A big hello and very interesting to read your history. I am in complete agreement with @labialover. In some ways you sound very similar to me except I had extremely liberal parents and was brought up to believe I could achieve anything I wanted so consequently was always pretty confident and was (and am) totally body confident as i went to a lot of nude beaches etc so have always been used to being naked and seeing other naked bodies of all shapes and sizes. There is no standard and we are all beautiful in our individual ways. I was encouraged to embrace my sexuality, be careful yes, but experiment and enjoy myself. So, although I consider myself straight I have also had a few relationships with women - which is cool. I am married and but also do not believe in monogam (for me). I do believe in comets honest. We are not long on this earth and we only get one shot at it so i truly believe in seizing the day and living life to the full. Most people's regrets when on their deathbeds is not having enough sex throughout their life.
    Thanked by 2LabiaLover himu
  • Vote Up0Vote Down hugelabiahugelabia
    0.01 Karma Points [?]Message hugelabiaPosts: 2Member
    Thanks all!  I kind of have to laugh a little bit because I sound like a pretty pathetic and sad.  I'm not.  I am a super-confident, beautiful and smart woman...and I'm wicked funny!!  I have a great career, lots of friends and a beautiful home.  I love my life.  I was really just trying to explain my complicated sexuality and how my pussy is so connected to it.  I know this is not a forum for sexual dysfunction - hahaha.  Anyway, now you all know more about me than you ever wanted - and haven't seen the one thing that is the point!!

    Again, thanks for the very supportive comments and the kind welcome.  After reading through some of the discussions, I have a feeling this will be a cool group of people to hang with.

    Me :-)

    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Keeping coming back "me"! You don't have to post pics to be on this site--although I for one, would not mind seeing you and your delicious pussy!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    Well. . .this is a forum for whatever you need it to be. . .sexual dysfunction included.

    Where else can you go, and get "no holds barred", honest opinions and feedback from real people all without being judged?? ;)
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
    Thanked by 1[Deleted User]
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    @hugelabia, as @hannibalbbc pointed out, you don't have to post any photos ever. We'd all love a look at you, but that will never be a requirement. All we'll ever ask is for you to be honest, and respectful of others.

    That said, let's get to the real issue. You sound like an amazing woman, married to a great man, but your relationship is not what it should be. It looks to me like you've always been a very sexual person, even at a young age. But the people around you, namely, your strict parents, taught you that your sexuality was wrong. So you were forced to hide who you really were from them. In fact, it appears that you've hidden this part of you from everyone whose opinion you respected. Before I go too far, let me know if I'm very far off. I want you to know that I am not judging you. I'm very familiar with this, my parents didn't really get me either, and it was easier to hide who I was than deal with their static.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member

    Dear Hugelabia,

    Welcome to the site, and our little group.  I won't bore you with my uneducated psychological assumptions about you.  I just want to say that you sound like a gorgeous woman, a deeply sexual woman.  Given that, it seems to me that it's important for you to try to work on having a better relationship with your hubby.  He sounds like a great guy who loves you.  Agatha and Kitty have some very good advice for you here, along with some commiseration for your circumstances.  My hope for you is that you'll learn to overcome those things which are holding you back from the full realization of conjugal joy which you seem to desire.  In the meantime, you have all of us here dreaming about and drooling over your "hugelabia", whether you ever gin up the courage to take photos for us or not.  This site is really about the joy and pleasure you can enjoy from your own body.  I hope to hear a lot more from you, and to see a lot more of you.

  • Welcome to the site! :D x

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