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Why do some people change after they have sex with you?
  • Vote Up0Vote Down SheShe
    18.02 Karma Points [?]Message ShePosts: 150Member
    At first it was baby this and baby that but now it is." So what happened" when the phone is answered. What the hell happened to all the sweet talk? Are all people like this?
  • 6 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member Accepted Answer
    Not always. It usually happens if they were only interested in the ass. which is stupid, because that ensures no repeats. Or if the person was not emotionally prepared to become sexual. And it's not just men who are guilty. Women do it too. On the other hand, if you're pretty well emotionally connected, and ready to take that step it can actually make you closer. But if you're wanting to play the field, and you choose mature partners, this doesn't happen too often. But it will happen from time to time, and when it does happen it'll hurt, unless you don't really care about the guy. And when it does go to the girl network, that's why it's there. (uh-oh ladies! Your secret's out!) Tell all your friends how the creep is acting. You can even do him further damage by telling them he's a dead fuck or a premature ejaculator. Pretty soon word will get out and he'll have to go to the morgue to get laid. Just remember to put it out there when the guy is a real good guy and a stallion in bed too.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member Accepted Answer
    TD is quite right.  Those are the people who lose interest in you immediately after they have the chance to fuck you.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LunaLuna
    1.00 Karma Points [?]Message LunaPosts: 12Member
    True, telling the ladies is the best way to get back at him. I've experienced men like this in the past as well. Personally, I'd rather have a man that TELLS me I'm just a bootie call, then a man that claims to be my knight in shining armor, that leaves as soon as the ejaculation takes place. I don't know why, I think it's because that way, you're prepared emotionally.

    However, TD is very right in his statement, as soon as a good guy stands up, we should also tell the ladies. They will love you for it. Best thing is to take the man for yourself of course :)
    My mom's lesson: "Your vagina is a very valuable companion in life. Treat her well, and she will reward you with years of pleasure. How is letting a plastic surgeon mutilate her 'treating her well'?"
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    As a man who has had a LOT of sexual partners, and have been honest in 98% of instances, I can agree with where you're coming from.

    In my experience though. . .it would seem that women tend to not tell the ladies a "good guy" has come, because they typically want to keep him for themselves. LOL! :)

    I have had this happen with me personally. . .after great sex with a woman, she usually "slips" when she tells one of her lady friends, and typically the lady friend of hers decides she doesn't want a man LIKE you, she wants YOU instead -- I've had that happen personally.  Then the two women end up not wanting to be friends anymore, because one of them feels like the other "over-stepped" her boundaries and such.

    The woman who I had been sexually involved with initially said to me: "I told her how good you fucked me, not for her to come and fuck you too.  I was just confiding in her."

    Luckily neither of them blamed me, because I was honest with both of them about my sexual experiences with both of them -- although I definitely did not compare, and avoided it when one of them outright asked me: "So was my pussy better or was hers. . ." -- I just said: "Well, you're both different.  I enjoyed your pussy just as much as I enjoyed hers." ;)

    I'd say it's a hard thing to follow at best if you're a woman, and wanting to keep that man to yourself. . .it's a bit difficult to mention him to your girlfriend(s) without the thought of one of them candidly following up on your information. :)]
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
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  • Vote Up0Vote Down LunaLuna
    1.00 Karma Points [?]Message LunaPosts: 12Member
    @LabiaLover: I see where you're coming from. I've been in that kind of situation also. The difference: I was the friend who took the man. As you may or may not have understood by now: I'm no angel. I've had my fair share of sexual experiences and encounters already. best friend and I did a threesome once. It wasn't a great success, as the man turned out to be 'not ready for further contact' afterwards. In other words: wham, bam, thank you ma'am.

    She and I decided we should try it again. She knew a man, that, according to her 'knew how to handle a lady'. Well, ok, said and done, she arranged an appointment and we went to his house. She introduced me to him and he and I hit it off intstantly. We looked each other in the eyes, and BAM! FIREWORK! We were together, the three of us, that entire evening, and ended up fumbling a bit on his couch. Anyways, because my best friend felt jealous that he was so interested in me that evening (she had a cold sore, plus I was 'new', he'd already been with her, but ok!), she pulled the plug on the whole threesome-thing and started to ignore me. Whatta good man can do, lol!

    However, she felt really dissapointed in the both of us, so she ignored us for a few weeks. She said she had no problem with him and I meeting up again. So we did. Without her knowing, as she was already pissed. The Sunday in his bed was worth it, to say the least. He was, however, really honest: he just got out of a long relationship and wasn't interested in me nor her romantically. Just because of him being so honest, and him being so good in bed helped, of course, I met up with him a few times. He was very self confident at the start. He was talking big, about how he would put me 'in my place'. Sure :)) After a few dates, we fucked for eight hours that day already, he gave in: 'Damn, you are good.' Thank you, my boy (he was over nine years my senior :P ), lol!

    Anyway, we met up a couple of times. Had sex everytime. At a certain point, he cut off the contact. He'd met a girl he'd fallen in love with, so he said goodbye to me in a beautiful way: I stayed the entire night for the first time. Last time lover, so to say. He and I still have contact briefly about once a month: he hasn't spoken to her in almost a year...... I took the man and my best friend and I are on speaking terms again.

    However, we have decided we would never ever let a man get in between of us ever again! If we will ever do a threesome again (which I doubt), we're going to pick a man neither of us has feelings for, that's for sure.
    Post edited by Luna at 2012-04-09 13:05:52
    My mom's lesson: "Your vagina is a very valuable companion in life. Treat her well, and she will reward you with years of pleasure. How is letting a plastic surgeon mutilate her 'treating her well'?"
    Thanked by 1tempest_driver
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member
    Well done Luna!!  Well done!!
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