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Do You and Your Friends Talk About Sex?
  • 25 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down licknthick1licknthick1
    773.69 Karma Points [?]Message licknthick1Posts: 1,978Senior Member Accepted Answer
    I don't talk about sex to my friends. That's why this site is a good one to express interests and to be able to feel accepted without any difficulties.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down annann
    37.50 Karma Points [?]Message annPosts: 2Senior Member
    I have two good friends that I talk about sex with all the time! One of them was insecure about how her pussy looks (she has very small inner labia but she was afraid if her outer labia were to large). I have shown her pictures of all the different kinds of pussy and she is very happy to know that they look diferent since she thought that something was wrong with her. (See even small labia girls get insecure). Also I have shown her porn sites with overweight girls since she is overweight, and she was very relieved and pleased of cause :-)
  • Vote Up0Vote Down licknthick1licknthick1
    773.69 Karma Points [?]Message licknthick1Posts: 1,978Senior Member
    I think women talk about sex more with each other than men. That is great, @ann, that you have reassured your friend to let her know that she is perfectly fine the way she is. BTW, you look awesome!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down blazeoneblazeone
    16.42 Karma Points [?]Message blazeonePosts: 45Member
    My friends an i talk about sex yes the gals i know ask me about things i like an ask for my oppinion but the guys tend to describe an brag more about whos getting and not gettin lol i dont really brag myself but im more into making my partner putty in my hands lol
  • I have talked w/ friends about sex but I don't really go into what my girl likes or what WE do. It's more of a discussion on perspective. Some people are close-minded and talking about thins you'be never experienced can give better understanding.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down RoxysmomRoxysmom
    17.50 Karma Points [?]Message RoxysmomPosts: 21Member
    I dont really talk about sex with my friends, much beyond ” had the best sex last night”; but it sounds like evas convo was more about body parts/functionality, which I do talk to my friends about on occasion
  • Not often in person. .. more often online...
    I wouldnt mind it though if it did come up in a conversation, I feel I have a lot to offer on topic.

    Cut or uncut foreskin.. being a male & being uncut for the first 30+ years, and then cut for the last 7 years.. after a broken cock they cut me and used it.
    I still have my foreskin.. but its inside now.
    Lol, I wish I had some wild story to go with that but in reality it was lame how it happened.. I had morning wood and rolled over on it.

    I can tell you this from my experience.

    Uncut is not a hygene issue unless you dont bath or shower.. I never had issues with that but I bathed often.
    Being Uncut is more of an intense sensation.. It would happen a lot quicker too.

    Being cut.. not as intense on the feeling side of things.. but I last much longer now and I have more controll over when my orgasms happen.

    Talking ,reading , jumping in... are how we all learn...
    Open mind is key.
    Loving yourself is another key.
    Being comfortable with your partner, big+.
    Being open is not an issue for me I enjoy sharing info & experiences... and if it helps somebody even better!!!

    My Wife has had me both cut & uncut.. < that is such a rare thing for a woman & man to experience together.
    Thanked by 1Vaney
  • Vote Up0Vote Down sgtbertsgtbert
    270.16 Karma Points [?]Message sgtbertPosts: 1,057Senior Member
    My wife doesn't like to even say the word SEX , she is even afraid  to even spell SEX !!!
    She Likes Sex a lot , but only in the Dark & in Hiding .
    But me on the other hand , I think it would be Fun to be a Porn Star & Tell Others about it !!!

    @merry not every body is the same , I try to love them all , just the way they are , because I want to be Loved the way that I am !!!
    Bert :-}
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator
    @Vaney as an "uncut" guy, I can certainly agree with you.  Most women have mentioned that they enjoy me being "uncut".  From this site, you and @ann have made it a point to mention this.  I'm sure there are others as well who enjoy those of us who are "uncut".
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
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  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator
    @Vaney: Here is the thread where the topic of 'cut versus uncut' is being discussed.
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
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