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  • 56 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    So plainly spoken. . .I love it.

    You are too sexy for your own good! :X
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
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  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member


    Your note to Eva exemplifies exactly what I was talking about in another thread.  If you ladies will simply push your bodies, continue to play, going from one cum right into the next, you will be truly amazed just what your body is capable of doing for you.  Most women simply have no idea what their capabilities are in this area.  Next time you get in that mood, try to count for us.  Let us all know just what you can achieve.  As you mention, you can go straight from one cum into the next, without time inbetween, once you really get going with it.  I'm terribly pleased with you and Eva for attempting these things, and thereby discovering so much more about yourselves.  The fact is that most women can accomplish the same thing, and just don't know it.  Well done!!  We all look forward to so much more from you.

    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor
    @Agatha I usually don't leave myself untouched before I go into a deep sleep. That morning during my shower I detached the shower head and hit a strong ray to my clit and felt up my lips, for a little satisfaction, and to my surprise I the horniness was gone.

    @tempest_driver I'll be sure to never make that mistake ever again, Scouts Honor!
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member
    Well done Eva!!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down AgathaAgatha
    41.21 Karma Points [?]Message AgathaPosts: 188Member
    @eva - now that is impressive time management.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor
    @Agatha more like luck of the draw. Time management has never been my strong suit.
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down lipslips
    46.61 Karma Points [?]Message lipsPosts: 195Contributor
    Just read this thread and wished there were some more recent updates. Does @Agatha come around here anymore? I know @Eva is a moderator, but I don't see too many comments from you these days, either. Very hot stuff!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member

    @lips, I agree that we don't see enough of @eva around here lately. I know she's been busy, I hope everything is ok.

    Agatha's no longer with us, I won't go into details, but if you do a site search for her name I think you'll get the idea.

  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    Actually Agatha was a very good contributor on the site, however, she succumbed to the ideals of her own opinions (didn't like that some members showed more interest in other members for example -- she actually got upset with me when I told @eva and @crs188 that I love their pussies, because I happen to personally like puffy outer labia).

    That said, her pictorial thread where she shared pics of her pussy, which is no longer publicly available (only myself and the other moderators can see it), was removed from public view, and she was banned from the site (an action I've only had to take against *one* other member since the site's inception), until she can learn to "play nice with others" and not allow her opinions to get the best of her.

    When she was acting psychotic though, Agatha was very pleasant, expressed her opinions very candidly, and was an excellent contributor to the site, since she was very open about her sexuality and her body.

    She and I actually agreed on many things, including the idea of having open relationships (which her and I both explained to members how an open relationship can work very easily since she and I were both involved in them), and why humans are designed to be sexually involved with as many other humans as possible.

    She is sorely missed, but since she was a doctor, and experienced emotionally traumatized teenagers, and women who have had issues with their labia, she often came to the site, and basically directed a lot of her animosity towards me when I showed interest or "favoritism" as she put it, towards a specific woman's labia, or whatever the case was, since in her opinion, my editorial review of the women on this site sets the precedent with which other members do the same.

    And while I can understand that point of view, it is also clear that we do not live in a perfect world, and people will have their opinions no matter what -- Agatha often took the position that one young woman could come across the site, read my comments about a specific type of pussy, and being the site administrator, my opinion could be construed as gospel which may lead that young woman down the path to labiaplasty.

    And while that could be true, I often took the position that I know for a fact this site, has likely saved more young women, middle-aged women, and mature women from surgery than anything else.

    We often ended up at odds over these opinions, and in the end, Agatha stooped to a new low, by insulting me directly, which I have no tolerance for, so I removed her thread from public view, and rather than delete her account, I simply banned her from the site until she can learn to have her opinions, but remain respectful of me and other members, since that is the only thing I ask of members -- just remain respectful.  You are entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to put any one down, or verbally attack anyone.

    In fact, the only reason I didn't outright delete her account in an ironic twist, is because of the fact that her and I maintained a good relationship outside of the site, and like anyone here will tell you, especially the other moderators (like @tempest_driver who felt I was being way too lenient with her), I exercised a great deal of democracy, and tolerance for her ever encroaching opinions, and personal attacks against me, most of which occurred on her very own pictorial thread which is no longer available to the public for that reason.

    As you have come to know me, you can see that I basically allow anything, and everything on the site, as long as members remain respectful of one another, don't harass one another, and just keep a general good vibe, which you yourself stated you felt when you first got here with us, saying that it was intelligent adults, but still horny like teenagers.

    And that is exactly what I set out to do when I created this site. ;)

    We've grown a lot in the last 8 months or so (site started in January of this year), and the site has undergone many changes since its inception, and likewise, we've also had members who are opinionated (which I have no problem with), but had a hard time not forcing their opinions on others, or trying to make the members of the site conform to their own specific ideals.

    Kitty77 was a member like that.  She was an excellent contributor as well.

    However, unbeknownst to the rest of us, we were walking on eggshells, since she was deeply religious apparently, and took offense to certain things other members mentioned on the site (anal sex, bondage, etc), yet all in the same breath composed a thread about "Pussy Worship".

    That said, I tried my best to be democractic with her as well, but then eventually just deleted her account, and closed her threads (hers are still available to the public, and in fact were some of the very first threads on the site), because I felt like it was a bit hypocritical for her to call out other members on their sexual interests due to her religious opinions, all the while she was posting threads about "Pussy Worship" (which as far as I know her religion specifically states that nothing else be worshipped outside of her "God").

    So anyway, those are the gory details.

    And yes, @Eva is still with us, and is a moderator, though much like me, she pops her head in and out and participates when she has time. ;)
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor
    @Lisa_Lips Don't worry I'm still kicking and breathing! As @LabiaLover mentioned I pop my head in when I find the time. Usually I am more social and often times update my posts and add a few monthly photos. lately I've only had time to reply to messages and accept applicants. However with this thread in particular and a few others ( Stretching Lips Thread for example) I wanted to give the rest of the female members a chance to share their own stories, instead me taking over it completely. It's nice to hear a different point of view instead of just me me me :)

    I think sometime this week I'll be able to be social butterfly again. Let's cross those fingers.
    Post edited by Eva at 2012-08-27 10:02:44
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
  • Vote Up-1Vote Down Lisa_LipsLisa_Lips
    66.35 Karma Points [?]Message Lisa_LipsPosts: 308Member
    Wow.  Sounds like she had several issues going on.
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
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