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Question For All Members
  • 78 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    I really only have 2 suggestions for this site.

    First. I noted when I joined that there was no form of age verification in place. Now obviously there could be serious consequences if underage people were to become members, or post their images here. so I think it would be prudent for us to at the very least, ask everyone coming in if they're at least 18, or old enough to legally look at naked people where they live...whichever is greater.

    Second, moderation. Is there a moderation page at the site I'm unaware of, and if noted, would the construction of one be a very big ordeal. I honestly feel a little dumb asking this. I've been a moderator for about 3 weeks and really haven't been able to do much as a moderator.

    Thanks buddy.

    Well the age verification page is coming Tempest, but like I explained above, it does little to actually prevent minors from viewing the content, similar to sites like YouPorn.

    I mean even YouPorn has an "age verification" page, but all a minor has to do is click past it, and they can access all the content.

    At the moment, I actually do have something in place, though not overly obvious.

    When you signup to be a member, you have to agree to the "Terms of Service" by checking a box, here is what the terms of service says (addresses the age issue):

    In our case though, obviously there is a concern about minors posting images of themselves, but this is exactly why I verify all image posts as they go up, and will soon have moderators like you and Himu doing the same exact thing.  To limit our exposure here to that kind of thing, since obviously we only expect adults to post their content on this site in the first place.  Luckily I haven't encountered anything like that yet, but should it occur, I will act on expediently and soon moderators will be able to do the same.

    Now about moderators, yes your actual "moderation" has been limited in-so-far since I'm still actively coding out other functionality on the site at the moment, and for right now you're limited to approving members, but soon you'll be able to edit member content, delete members, edit member posts or discussions, etc -- basically everything that I can do. ;)

    So stay tuned. . .
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2012-02-10 19:39:35
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
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  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    Another feature I would like to see is the ability of edit your posts whenever you wish, rather than just within 15 minutes of posting it. I've only just spotted that the image attached to one of my posts didn't work, but I can't do anything about it now.

    Paul, actually I've thought about this in great length. . .and the problem for me is thread integrity.

    See, let's say I leave it open for people to edit their posts whenever they'd like, then someone could create a post, people could come and comment on that post, and then the original poster could come back and completely change days, weeks, or even MONTHS later, thereby making the comments on that post seem irrelevant or hard to follow.

    I can understand what you're saying. . .but I mean if it takes you 15 minutes to realize you didn't post something properly, then it's probably a good idea to contact me or a moderator to edit it for you. ;)
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
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  • Vote Up0Vote Down BsmileBsmile
    1.52 Karma Points [?]Message BsmilePosts: 29Member

    Yes LL..  you should definately put a location place for members and age option i think....   and also a hot date place for people who are truly serious in meeting up.....   Alot of people are alone and looking at your site where they could be linked up and having fun instead of thinking about it..... 

    As you know alot of ladys with large lips are often scared about showing them and miss on alot of pleasure because of this ...   so they could meet one of us fans who would worship them for real.....    and the same for us men as you cant just ask a lady if she has large lips or not so they are quite hard to find in reality..

    I think its a great site by the way....   keep up the work......

    Also ...... maybe a little more girly decoration & graphics ....  like Labis site is a bit prettier  (not photos i mean the layout)  ...

    its a bit bland  & robotic.....   (not critisising by the way !!)   it might encourage more girls to join up instead of just looking curiously !!!  as they like pretty things !!

    I know it must be complicated making the layout (i found it complicated just making a decent myspace a few years ago as computer language is technical)

    A bit of colour i say !!!!!

    Hopefully thousands of large lipped lassies will join up and then maybe you will open up a realtime discussion thread ?     Hope so !!!

    Over and Out...       B      ps..   Love the site  10 outta 10


    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down PaulMApphartPaulMApphart
    116.61 Karma Points [?]Message PaulMApphartPosts: 366Shoot Moderator
    Bsmile said:

         ps..   Love the site  10 outta 10  

    Yes, I have to agree, I'm loving the site too. Your efforts are really appreciated LL
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator
    Bsmile said:

    Yes LL..  you should definately put a location place for members and age option i think....   and also a hot date place for people who are truly serious in meeting up.....   Alot of people are alone and looking at your site where they could be linked up and having fun instead of thinking about it..... 

    As you know alot of ladys with large lips are often scared about showing them and miss on alot of pleasure because of this ...   so they could meet one of us fans who would worship them for real.....    and the same for us men as you cant just ask a lady if she has large lips or not so they are quite hard to find in reality..

    I think its a great site by the way....   keep up the work......

    Also ...... maybe a little more girly decoration & graphics ....  like Labis site is a bit prettier  (not photos i mean the layout)  ...

    its a bit bland  & robotic.....   (not critisising by the way !!)   it might encourage more girls to join up instead of just looking curiously !!!  as they like pretty things !!

    I know it must be complicated making the layout (i found it complicated just making a decent myspace a few years ago as computer language is technical)

    A bit of colour i say !!!!!

    Hopefully thousands of large lipped lassies will join up and then maybe you will open up a realtime discussion thread ?     Hope so !!!

    Over and Out...       B      ps..   Love the site  10 outta 10


    Thanks for your feedback!

    The entire 1st two paragraphs of what you mentioned are covered in the Labia-Lovers category.

    In fact, Cornball already started a thread asking members to point out their locations. . .

    The location thing is coming. . .but in the meantime, I think this tells me the Labia Lovers category needs to be a bit more prominent than it is now, and so I will add it to the top of the site in the interim. ;)

    Graphics -- a basic re-design is coming shortly.

    Also, the real-time chat system and so on are all coming. . .

    Patience my fellow labia enthusiasts. . .patience. ;)
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2012-02-11 08:20:15
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator
    Okay, just a heads-up folks. . .I've added the following features
    so far:

    1) Who's Online: Shows in real-time (updated every 5 seconds anyway),
    what members are on the site currently.

    2) Added a small "Some Members" section which shows
    some of our most active members (in no particular order), although you must
    have a profile pic to appear in this section.

    3) Added the ability to directly post videos into a post and have it show up,
    but this function is still sort of "beta" and doesn't yet work with all websites
    that have video (only youtube so far, but I'm working on youporn, xtube, and
    other sites that allow embedding of videos).

    Anyway more to come. . .stay tuned. ;)
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
    Thanked by 1She
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator
    himu said:

    Excellent feature addition LL... love the Who's online and Some Members profile pic.

    Regarding the Age Verification you are working on ... i hope you have considered all countries... because lot of the standard systems don't apply to our third world countries.

    I would like to see some of the following information in a member's profile:

    • himu
    • Male
    • 42 years old
    • Bangladesh
    • Dhaka
    • Moderator
    • Verified
    • Ask me
    • Asian
    • Average

    Yeah in this regard, I think for now just the "Terms of Service" checkbox will be enough for the whole age verification thing until I figure out a better way to do that without being too intrusive to the end user.

    Now in regards to the location feature, and such -- for now I've added a new link to your profile pages, called "Edit My Details" where you can provide additional information about yourself, including your location.

    This will then show up on a new separate page on your profile labeled "About Me".

    Actual country location flags are coming. . .
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down himuhimu
    277.14 Karma Points [?]Message himuPosts: 1,727Senior Member
    Kewl... thanks for all the great work :-bd
    Post edited by himu at 2012-02-13 10:54:08
    Long Labia Lover -> Checkout some of my Threads below:
    Artistic & Erotic | Dominika | Andie | Carmen | Sofi A | Faye | Voluptuous Ladies | Slim & Sexy Ladies
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator
    Also, how do you all find the site load speed??

    Do the pages load up pretty fast for you??

    I'm running NginX on this server to ensure that
    things load *very* quickly in addition to using gzip
    compression for just about everything.

    Let me know how the load times are for you folks. . .
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor
    The site load speed is perfectly fine, LabiaLover.

    But whenever I'm on my phone and want to comment. the cursor always jumps and is slow to process the text.

    Other than that everything else is going smoothly.
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator
    Eva said:

    The site load speed is perfectly fine, LabiaLover.

    But whenever I'm on my phone and want to comment. the cursor always jumps and is slow to process the text.

    Other than that everything else is going smoothly.

    Yeah, sorry about the cursor jump you mentioned from your phone -- the thing is, it's an auto-refresh built-into the site so that if a comment is posted on a page while you're on the page the comment shows up automatically.

    The problem is, this doesn't work so well when the site is browsed in a mobile browser. :(

    I'm working on it, don't worry! ;)
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    Site load is fine at this point, but I also realize that the site so far is relatively unadorned. Let's see how it goes with the addition of a few layers or style sheets.

    Another thing I've noticed is that if I let the page sit idle for too long I get a notice that my IP address has been blacklisted. I'm not sure how this happened but if you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them.
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    Site load is fine at this point, but I also realize that the site so far is relatively unadorned. Let's see how it goes with the addition of a few layers or style sheets.

    Another thing I've noticed is that if I let the page sit idle for too long I get a notice that my IP address has been blacklisted. I'm not sure how this happened but if you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them.

    As far as the redesign goes, I touched on that already above.

    Now about the blacklisting thing. . .that would be a security module
    working on the server, if it says you're blacklisted, please copy/paste
    the error message to me at or send it to me as a
    on the site, so that I can check it out -- also be sure to include your
    IP address, so that when I'm checking the site logs I can find your IP, and
    see exactly what made the server decide to blacklist you.
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2012-02-14 15:17:46
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    All it says is that my ip address is blacklisted, contact my webmaster. My ip address is
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator
    Another feature added based on messages I've received:

    Members have been sending me messages saying that
    they like the content, but that it wasn't always easy to identify
    who started a specific thread.

    Some members have said they'd like to easily be able to
    identify who started what thread since they are more interested
    in seeing posts by certain people than others (*gasp* how dare they!).

    I kinda saw that coming to be honest, because obviously everyone
    identifies differently with certain threads, certain members, etc.

    Either way, you're now able to clearly see who the thread author
    is directly on the thread before clicking it from the main threads page. ;)
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
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