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  • 77 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down makomako
    8.04 Karma Points [?]Message makoPosts: 5Member
    the wife and i would like to show her flower in you book,, think it would be cool..
    12.29 Karma Points [?]Message SUNSHINEPosts: 67Member
    sure lets do it. im game ..
    Thanked by 3Cornball himu Eva
  • Vote Up0Vote Down CornballCornball
    32.14 Karma Points [?]Message CornballPosts: 69Her Flower Moderator
    GREAT!  I really appreciate it, the more contribution and the more support the better.  I have dispatched an PM to you cmfinc.  :).
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator
    @SUNSHINE and @cmfinc

    Thanks for sharing. . .it'll help make the book that much better. :D

    Feel free to share pics here as well.

    If you're not sure where to start, just take a look at this thread: How To Share Your Pics.

    @Cornball -- thanks for the follow up buddy. :)
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member
    Cornball, no worries there.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down CornballCornball
    32.14 Karma Points [?]Message CornballPosts: 69Her Flower Moderator
    New flower up on my site, enjoy :).
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member
    Cornball, they're all beautiful!!  Thanks so much for all your hard work putting it all together.  Ladies, no matter how different one from another, you are all gorgeous!!!  Every single one.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down ECC22ECC22
    0.01 Karma Points [?]Message ECC22Posts: 33Member

    I have a question. How long do lips have to be to be considered large? I've seen pics of lips that look smaller/different shapes to mine on large labia website which upsets me alot. The only pics I've seen that look like mine are rated very badly on 'ratemynaughty' followed by comments about chopping off those freaky roast beef lips.

    I have googled labial hypertrophy extensively and STILL can't find figures on what constitutes bigger than average. I suspect I may be top 10% :-( which makes me very much in a minority. On a good day, mine measure around 2cm at the longest point but sometimes they measure nearer 3 (no idea what causes this change in size...)

    Please don't reply statistics don't mean anything or that you love large lips (I know a small minority of men like this.) I want an honest answer as to what is considered large and how many women really have large lips.

    I've gone away from this site for a few wekes, tried to feel better about myself but NOTHING seems to work. They are sore and irritated all the time from rubbing/ me trying to push them inside the other lips. I'm aware of them when I walk, when i bend down and even when I sleep I dream about them. I wash daily and thouroughly but they seem to smell and get horrible white stuff in all the folds really quickly. (I don't have any infections.) Everyone says hairless vaginas seem more hygeinic and I think small labia would smell better/stay clean for longer.

    Sometimes after a shower it looks like a tiny willy poking out of me and I can't stand the feeling of it rubbing on my underwear. I love wearing skinny jeans and little thongs... the problem seems to be getting worse as I get older and these things are uncomfortbale. I don't want to wear baggy pants (these are more uncomfortbale) or loose underwear. I want to be able to wear what everyone else my age does and not feel like a man with a ball sack.  

    Please tell me the truth. How many women really look like me with saggy 2cm lips!???


  • Vote Up0Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor

    Large labia can be defined as labia minora which bloom out of the labia majora. Whether they peak out or dangle they're not enclosed around the labia majora. As for how many women have 2 cm length lips? Well every woman around the world would have to honestly fill out a survey to answer that question. What you're askIng is far beyond our reach. However there is a growing measurement survey on which gives a wonderful variety of women's length around the world. I for one have a length greater than 2 cm.

    I'll find the measurement forum for you later in the after noon.

    I hate to say this but it seems like you're only answer is to get surgery. Obviously you're not happy with your body and it's a waste of time and effort to convince you that your hygiene worries wouldn't change with small lips. If you're lips are hindering you from enjoying your everyday life then by all means end your suffering and low self esteem. I don't mean to sound harsh, but by the many attempts and feedback this community has given and received its an obvious standstill. You can look at the forum once I obtain it but I doubt you'll find the comfort you're looking for.
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
    Thanked by 2LabiaLover Johnylips
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    Well said my love. . .you elegantly took the words right out of my mouth.


    Eva is right -- there is nothing anyone here can tell you that will change things for you.  You seem to have it ingrained your head that it is impossible to live/love yourself as-is, and your daily life demonstrates this unfortunately by you trying to "tuck" your lips, and all the nonsense you put yourself through in the course of a day.  Like Eva said, the question you ask is quite frankly beyond the scope of what this site can ever provide you with -- in fact I suspect you could live your whole life, and never have an answer to that question.  It's as theological as the question: "Why are we here?"  While there are many different answers, people find their own peace with their own answers, and no amount of coaxing, dialog, or otherwise will change a person's mind.  It is as perplexing as religion.

    So while I'd love to hear you say one day that you've grown to love yourself, and appreciate your body in ways you never thought possible, and that you've found a man (or two or three) who also enjoy you and your body just the same, I suspect in your case, that may not happen for a very long time, if ever, based on your attitude toward yourself solely.

    @Eva was more forthcoming in telling you that your only answer is surgery, and I respect her for telling you that, but I wouldn't say that myself (maybe I'm in denial about you, the same way you are about yourself), and I remain hopeful that isn't your only answer despite the fact that it seems to be the only answer at this point based on your continuous ramblings about how unhappy you are with your labia, your body, and otherwise.  You keep holding yourself to impossible standards.  So only after you attempt to reach those standard do I suspect you will be "comfortable" (note that I didn't use the word "happy) with yourself.

    I really do hope you find a man (or woman) who will put your mind at ease at some point, because I suspect for you that as you get older, this is going to be a *MAJOR* uphill battle for you.

    The only point that continues to bug me about your ramblings is that you keep trying to say that men who like large labia are in the minority -- that is clearly complete rubbish and I'm not sure where you're drawing that information from, but I suspect like your view about your labia and body, it is simply a skewed perspective of the obvious, and plain as day facts.

    You know my dad told me a long time ago that people seem to think that their opinions change the facts at hand, when nothing is further from the truth.  He said: "Truth is indisputable."

    The example he used was: "The Earth is round, and the moon orbits the Earth, and the Earth the Sun.  Yet there was a time where that common knowledge and description of the facts would have gotten you burned on a stake as a heretic.  Yet despite their opinions, it didn't change the fact that the Earth is round, the moon orbits the Earth, and the Earth orbits the Sun."  He said: "This means that people can believe what they want, yet the facts will always remain, because the Truth is indisputable, and will always be available for analysis by any person willing to put their opinions aside and just see the facts as they are."

    I live my life by this premise, as does my dad, and he and I still have elaborate conversations about the subject matter (my mom finds it boring, but she does acknowledge that it's all true).

    I suspect you'll have to come to point in your life where the facts are so obvious, you have no choice but to notice them -- until then @ECC22 I really do hope you find the answers you're looking for. ;)
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2012-03-09 10:29:26
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
    Thanked by 2Johnylips wolf777
  • Vote Up0Vote Down ECC22ECC22
    0.01 Karma Points [?]Message ECC22Posts: 33Member

    Thanks. I'm so glad someone finally agreed surgery might be an option in certain cases. I can't afford it right now but it's something I'll consider in future. To be honest though, I think you're both right in saying that it's not a 'solution' as such, as I may end up worrying about scars, permanent pain, still looking different etc...

    I know the best solution is to learn to love my body but I'm finding this 'labia' issue so difficult. I don't mind a bit of cellulite ont he back of my legs because I feel everyone has it. It's the feeling 'different' thing I hate. And it hurts so much to hear people talk about enlarged and extended labia and laughing about it.

    I know people have said the embarrassing bodies programme is a stupid thing to be hung up on but it really has destroyed my self image (if you ever looked at the website for enlarged labia you'd see I'm not the only one...)

    I honestly wish I could go back to a time when I wasn't aware of how the 'ideal' fanny is meant to look. I had absolutely NO IDEA that a woman's vagina would even enter into a man's radar...  Anyway, thanks for your support.

    Thanked by 1Cornball
  • Vote Up0Vote Down ECC22ECC22
    0.01 Karma Points [?]Message ECC22Posts: 33Member
    On another note entirely, I feel other people should def get onboard with this project. It would be great if there could one day be another mainstream TV programme on how different women's bits look. Then women might not end up feeling as crap about themselves as me.
    Thanked by 1Cornball
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member


    You seem to have taken the negative statements which you found someplace online as being the Gospel, while at the same time finding yourself unable to accept what is being said here on this site.  Do you see the discrimination in that?  You are choosing the bad, and refusing to accept the good.  As you have no doubt noticed, there are lots of men here who absolutely LOVE larger labia.  In my experience, that is true of most men, even if they might on occasion joke around while sitting in a bar drinking with their buddies.  The real question is, what do you take seriously??  The fact that most men love larger labia and find them deeply sexual?  Or the ravings of young boys and inexperienced men who really don't yet know what they're talking about?  As mentioned above, the reason for "Playboy" and others to do the airbrushing, is because the extended labia are considered too sexual to print.

    The real key for you, is to get to know your body better, to learn about all the pleasure and joy it can give to you, and then to come to appreciate the very real gift of your labia.  I will suggest to you, as I have suggested to others, that you go entirely without underwear for a while.  Feel the natural, wholesome sexiness of your body.  Enjoy the feeling of the lips rubbing together when you walk.  Wear skirts and dresses as often as you can.  Let your body breathe.  Touch it as often as you can during the day.  Just think of how good it will feel when you have some hard cock pushing past those beautiful, full labia of yours.  There is so much more, of course, but try starting with that.

    As to surgery, as you yourself mention, there are all the dangers of scars, infection, on and on.  And, who is to say that the lips would emerge as short as you might desire, or be even, or whatever else can go wrong with any surgical proceedure??  Then, as you also mention, there is the expense.  In the meantime, you are truly wasting your life, in that you are foregoing all the many pleasures, the deep joy and satisfaction which can come from making good use of your body, and enjoying all it can do for you.  You are allowing your life to pass by, while missing out on the very thing which makes it all worthwhile.


    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    @ecc77. Congratulations, you finally got someone to say what you think you want to hear. Out of all the things said by all the people on both sites trying to reassure you that YOU ARE special and YOU ARE beautiful just the way that YOU ARE, you have been bound and determined not to hear anything positive that's been said. To you, happiness will only be possible whenyou can disappear into the crowd and go completely unnoticed. It would be easy to be furious at you for wasting so ,much of our time were it not so apparent that your issues go way beyond your labia. You clearly have some psychological issues to work out and I strongly urge you to speak to a professional about your confidence level and self loathing before you take such a drastic step as having a part of you amputated. You can get labiaplasty right now, and it may help a little, but I'm fairly confident that unless you also fix YOU, you'll just find another part of you to hate.

    And the only part that has changed, is the tragic loss of a wonderful part of you.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down ECC22ECC22
    0.01 Karma Points [?]Message ECC22Posts: 33Member

    I understand you feel I'm wasting your time. Sorry you feel that way.

    It's not intentional, it's just everyone keeps telling me to embrace my 'diversity' and rare jewel and that it's beautiful etc... But the thing is, I'm so angry about being 'abnormal' (to me it's the same as rare...) so when people say it's unique and rare and beautiful, it only makes me feel a million times more upset.

    That's why I came looking for stats/information on how many women are 'messy looking' down there. Whenever I'm with women, i always think I must have the ugliest biggest, saggiest fanny there.

    I have tiny outer labia (they haven't grown since I was a child and are 1cm deep) so I have this lump of rotting meat hanging out of me. Urghh. Is there any way to submit pictures? (not via email) I have no desire for anyone to tell me it's beautiful (I know you will all do that because you're into big lips.) I just want an HONEST opinion of how big I really am.


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