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Pubic hair
  • 44 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down himuhimu
    277.14 Karma Points [?]Message himuPosts: 1,727Senior Member
    oh! please please don't ever hate your labia... we love them so much ... it has nothing to do with matching your rest of the body... and don't you dare think of surgery... I love 'em shaved/trimmed...
    Long Labia Lover -> Checkout some of my Threads below:
    Artistic & Erotic | Dominika | Andie | Carmen | Sofi A | Faye | Voluptuous Ladies | Slim & Sexy Ladies
  • Ecc22, Who can say why we are attracted to a particular feature or attribute? More importantly perhaps, is that  these things tend to be conditional and ultimately very much dependent upon the person we find ourselves attracted to. My wife does not have large labia, and yet I find her very attractive and we've been married a long time (hahah)!  A person's personality will always outweigh their parts, hahah!

    For women, so much is attitude and being uninhibited. My 1st experience with large labia, was a Latin lady I dated in college for a time. She was quite thin (but then she was 19 too) slight breasted (although she did have huge nipples), but she was gorgeous and sexually explosive. She also had a huge pussy and labia. She was at first self conscious about it. She asked me once if I thought her pussy was "too lippy". After I stopped laughing, we had unbridled sex all afternoon. I love sucking on her big lips and tonguing her open hole. Afterward, I'd have her on the edge of the bed, with her legs spread wide and I told her to watch my dark cock enter her wet cunt ( she loved for me to use that word instead of pussy, when we were having sex!) I told her, "Look at how those big wet slippery lips wrap around my thick cock! God it feels so good."  It would drive her wild to hear me say that.
    Thanked by 2himu Amira
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    Ok, I can see how a woman may not understand why a man likes bald pussy, we are from Mars afterall, so I will attempt a more thorough explanation.

    I have been a fan of women in general, and pussy in particular for literally as long as I can remember. I have always had a deep love of the female form. I saw my first shaven pussy in the late '70s or early '80s when such things were exceedingly rare, and was instantly transfixed at the unobstructed view of the object of my desire. Prior to that, a view of the labia was usually only possible if the pussy was actually held open , and there was this beautiful woman, shaved so I could easily see her amazing clit and labia.

    Throughout the '80s, trimming started to become less uncommon, and it was nice to be able to go down on a woman without getting a hairball, but there was usually hair covering the pussy. Occasionally I'd find a woman who shaved, but that still rare. Occasionally I'd hear about them from guys who had been with them and thought their hairless pussy was 'weird' or 'gross' if you can believe that. They always looked at me like I had 2 heads when I told them l liked that.

    After I got married in the early '90s I convinced my new bride to shave, she wasn't wild about the idea, but once she saw how hot it made me, and felt how much more sensitive everything was, she was she was hooked. She isn't always shaved, in fact sometimes she even lets the whole thing grow back, but when she does she doesn't like how she looks and hates letting me go down on her until she's had time to prune up the bush. Since most landscaping today involves removing the hair below the clit regardless of what hair is left, I still find it all very sexy. Even the fur covered pussies are still trimmed usually revealing the shape of the pussy below and is still quite hot, but please, be careful if you choose that route. Pubes that are too short can have just the right combination of stiffness and sharpness that they can do terrible, painful things to a penis.

    @eva I totally agree about the vegazzeled thing. Isn't that one of the dumbest things ever? Why remove the hair if you're just going to glue something back in its place?

    @ecc22, keeping women down? Really? We're asking you to prune your bush, allowing us easier access, both visually, and physically to one of the things that keeps most of us convinced that god exists and wants us to be happy. We're not covering you in a burqa, those women are really being kept down. If anything, I feel that western women are amongst the most liberated people who've ever lived. If you feel like shaving, waxing, piercing, tattooing, branding or even mutilating your pussy is up to you, and at this point, as long as you're doing it for YOU, I'm happy for you. But I think it's pretty low to come here and blame this on some kind of institutional misogyny.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down ECC22ECC22
    0.01 Karma Points [?]Message ECC22Posts: 33Member

    Everyone is entitled to a preference. But if hair was in Playboy I can pretty much guarentee women wouldn't be shaving it all off 'for themselves'. The whole shaved thing is definitely the influence of male preferences. Just like small labia. (There is of course a minority of men that like a thick bush of hair too.)

    I have loads of friends who do it (to each their own) just pointing out that it is another 'grooming' method that women have now had to take on board as common place.

    I know many men who 'wouldn't go there' with a natural bush, just like I know men who wouldn't be attracted to women with large labia. It's entirely a preference thing.

    I couldn't actually shave mine (esp the lips) even if I wanted to as a nasty painful rash would result. Urgh. I do wax the edges every month though and it is agony. Sorry if it offends you but I def believe in misogny in porn/the media. Never before has the standards for perfection on women's bodies been higher.




  • Vote Up0Vote Down ECC22ECC22
    0.01 Karma Points [?]Message ECC22Posts: 33Member
    Just one more thing. I used to shave before I got eczema and it made sex really painful! Just thinking about a guy rubbing against that poor exposed skin makes me cringe! Aghhhh.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    To label the shaving question misogyny is essentially attacking many of the very people who have spent considerable time, both here and on the .com site. Regardless of where it started, and where your perceive the pressure to be coming from, no one is forcing you or anyone else to do anything, when we start stoning women for their grooming practices, or when those grooming standards become self mutilation in order to gain their acceptance, then you'll have a case. I find it sad that part of your argument against women shaving their pussies is this percieved misogyny, and yet you're considering labiaplasty in part to gain the acceptance of others, which is actual misogynistic self mutilation. And as for your friends that you keep mentioning. Real crowd of winners there. One wonders how many actual pussies they've actually seen. Wouldn't touch a natural pussy? I hope, for the sake of the gene pool that they don't get many chances to touch ANY pussy. But one thing's for certain, these guys sure did find a way to destroy your confidence.

    They may be your friends, but I doubt I'd piss on them if they were on fire.

    By the way, I'm truly sorry for your eczema, by allow means, let that fine pussy be covered with turf. I may prefer, shaved, but I'd never pass you up for that. and experience tells me that I wouldn't care much while I'm in it. Remember, no matter how scruffy it is outside, the inside is still warm, wet, pink and slippery.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down ECC22ECC22
    0.01 Karma Points [?]Message ECC22Posts: 33Member

    I'm not trying to attack anyone on here. I appreciate and accept everyone has preferences and that's totally fine. Several exes admitted they'd prefer a shaved look too and that was fine.

    All I'm saying is I believe those preferences have, for the most part, been influenced by the media. Perhaps not with you, or others on this site, but certianly a lot of men out there. As you said yourself, when hairy bits were 'in fashion' most men preferred them this way.

    Same goes for the labia issue. And yes, I do think it's sad that I'm considering labiaplasty to suit a 'perfect ideal'. It's not the only reason (there's also the discomfort issue) but as I've already said, it's certainly not something I'm going to jump into right now.

    And I personally doubt that most women can achieve a 'smooth finish' when shaving. When i did it the skin always seems a little rough down there to me. Like sandpaper. But that's just my preference. And a sociological theory which I happen to think was quite

    I'm not trying to upset anyone.

  • Vote Up0Vote Down EvaEva
    116.59 Karma Points [?]Message EvaPosts: 524Senior Member, Contributor
    @tempest_driver  big breaths, big breaths :P


    I wouldn't call the porn industry misogyny. For one there is a category section for men with several different preferences from Hairy to Shaved to Asian to Hentai.

    Besides I think women complain about "so many men" wanting shaved and hairless vaginas is because they lack the confidence to stand out and be their own individual. I never shaved or waxed myself for a man. God, no!

    1-I hate dating someone and wasting my time trying to get to know them and see how the relationship is when I already know 4 months into the relationship the flames have long since died

    2-Who is walking, feeding, caring for this body? That would be me, thank you very much. I'll only consider your opinion if necessary.

    I just hate a wild untamed bush. Plain and simple.
    I'm not short, I'm fun size!
    Thanked by 1himu
  • The bushier the better. The more hirsute the woman...covered with fine fuzz or thick growth..the more arousing for me, and if the bush has thick or danglng lips, it's all icing on the cake. Throw away the waxes, razors and creams, and let nature take its course...under arms, on arms, on necks, backs, fanny cracks, on breasts and down the treasure trail, more fuzz + more fun!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mrmarquismrmarquis
    79.92 Karma Points [?]Message mrmarquisPosts: 828Senior Member
    The shaving, trimming, or not of pubic hair, and the discussion about it all here, is merely one more example of the differences between us all.  Thank God for that, since there are so many different types of people.  Otherwise, some of us might have even greater difficulty finding a partner.  As it is, there's someone out there for everyone.  All we need to do is find them.  Long lips or hidden ones, shaved, trimmed, or full grown, smaller tits, or huge ones, long thick dicks or small firm ones.  We all fit somewhere.  The trick is to appreciate what you have, to enjoy yourself, and to be proud of your own tastes and qualities.
    Thanked by 1himu
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tempest_drivertempest_driver
    107.64 Karma Points [?]Message tempest_driverPosts: 670Senior Member
    Lol @eva.

    @ecc22, I never believed that you said those things with the intention of attacking or upsetting anyone,.
    I DID think you didn't realize what you were implying and wanted to open your eyes to the fact that when you label an act or custom as prejudicial, or bigoted, you label the people who engage in or prefer them as prejudiced, or bigoted. That is an accusation I take very seriously.
    Also keep in mind that falsely accusing others of prejudice or bigotry is in itself such an act of the highest order.
    I agree that whether to shave, or shorten your labia are influenced by the world around you. but so are the fashionability, or acceptability of the clothes you wear, how you wear your hair or makeup, your body weight, even, for some, the friends you keep, you how you make a living. A few of these I'd consider misogynistic, most I would not.
    In the end, we just want you to be happy. if you're happy with your current landscaping practices, then that's all that matters, my own preferences be dammed, and neither of us is wrong. If your labia cause you pain, and you've exhausted all the different materials, cuts and fits of under and outer garments. And even, yes allowing your bush to grow to full length, and you still have pain. As much as it kills me to admit it, surgery may be your only option. But only as a last resort, and NEVER to gain the acceptance of another.

    In general, I firmly believe that in most cases, you should do the things and make the choices that make you happy. And when such a time comes that you meet someone who is so important to you that you'll make changes or do things you would'nt normally do. for them, those acts should definitely be viewed as a gift.
    But someone who would belittle a woman based on the appearance of her labia is not worthy of her. And any man that would refuse a woman for her labia. Is obviously looking for a partner in the wrong gender.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    410.50 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,010Site Administrator

    I prefer my women kinda on the "thicker" side (see my girlfriend's pics).

    But I've had amazing sex with some very slim women, so I can never turn
    them away -- I think for each woman it depends on how she "wears" her weight.

    If that makes sense. . . ;)
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
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  • Vote Up0Vote Down himuhimu
    277.14 Karma Points [?]Message himuPosts: 1,727Senior Member
    I think we are getting a little too off tack here... ECC's original question was "if people prefer shaven/hairy/trimmed etc?"

    In another thread we have established that more than 70% of members here (including ladies) prefer shaved or trimmed as against hairy/bushy mainly due to following two facts:
    A. It's easier to go down on... & B. It's easier to keep it clean/hygienic

    now method of keeping it trimmed or shaved is another topic by itself as well as trimming fashion.

    If you are talking about overall low trimming, take a look at Sofi's trimming over here:
    very well maintained and groomed.

    Although bushy pussies are favorite among a lot of people but I'd have difficulty going down on it ...

    and these are kind of turn-off for me... for going down on a woman... although people argue that's what nature intended it to be... then why don't all men keep their facial hairs?

    totally unattended bushes like attached images are difficult to handle while pleasuring a woman...

    500 x 359 - 18K
    3872 x 2176 - 836K
    900 x 600 - 67K
    Long Labia Lover -> Checkout some of my Threads below:
    Artistic & Erotic | Dominika | Andie | Carmen | Sofi A | Faye | Voluptuous Ladies | Slim & Sexy Ladies
    Thanked by 1LabiaLover
  • Vote Up0Vote Down JohnylipsJohnylips
    0.12 Karma Points [?]Message JohnylipsPosts: 39Member
    I'd say there are limits to everything, @Himu.  I do sometimes like a woman with hair, but I can't say that I'm necessarily a fan of the unusually hirsute.  It could no doubt get out of hand -- as you pointed out, the "unattended bush" (lol) could be a little much to handle in some circumstances.  I've never dated a woman who was particularly hairy, though I expect that I'd find myself reaching for the razor and/or hedge trimmers with most of the women above.   ;)
  • Vote Up0Vote Down anniebossannieboss
    2.24 Karma Points [?]Message anniebossPosts: 7Member
    Love those lush love zones in the pix just posted...never had a problem with hair getting in the way of business with the many hairy women I have known and loved, and all had pleasure, enhanced by the natural forest. I wonder where the 70 percent figure came from...sure are a lot of hairy women websites out there, patronized by both genders. And the hygeine issue?  Most women keep themselves clean, and it's hard to leave the bush out of it.
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